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Thread: Master cylinder reservoirs

  1. #1
    just wanted to know what kind of bore master cylinder reservoir i'll need for proper braking. How do we measure that value. thanks a lot

  2. #2
    just wanted to know what kind of bore master cylinder reservoir i'll need for proper braking. How do we measure that value. thanks a lot

  3. #3
    Are you refering to the master cylinder bore, or the size of the reservoir. If it's the reservoir, you just need enough volume to handle the fluid lose due to pad where and any system expansion, if you are not using braided lines. But this is a very small amount. If you are referring to master cylinder bore diameters, thats a little more complex. You need to size the masters to the calipers you are using, so there is no one answer. My advice is to speak to the caliper manufacturer and ask what they recommend for master sizing to there calipers and ask about the proper pedal ratio. Should be around 5:1.
    University of Windsor
    FSAE 2002-2006

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