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Thread: SAE Italy: Wrong Point Calculation ?!

  1. #1

    maybe it's because I'm stupid, but:

    To make a quick check if my points calculation spreadsheet is right, I've entered some times from SAE Italy 2011 autocross, but I don't get the same results.


    Due the follow the SAE rules (http://www.ata.it/upload/allegati_su...rules-2011.pdf), the equation should be:


    tmax = 1.25 x tmin


    The best time was 48,734 s, so tmax is 60,918 s.

    If a team finishs slower than tmax, the should get 7,5 points.

    So why is a team with a 61,266 time getting 47,980 Points?

  2. #2
    I've just seen in the result document that the are using 68,228 s as tmax.

    So the factor is 1.4.

    Does anybody know why the are doing this?

    Just wondering ...

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