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Thread: How do you define Ackermann Percentage?

  1. #1
    how do i define ackermann percentage ...
    i have seen teams writing ackermann percentage of steering system ...is it when the car is at zero steer angle or at maximum steer angle (lock position)

    looking forward for ur help

  2. #2

  3. #3
    I also had this question before. Can somebody elaborate a little more on this?

    Does +6% ackermann mean that the inside tire will turn 6% more than the outside?

    I assume thats correct, but I was hoping some of the experts here could confirm that
    '03-05 Oregon State FSAE Alum

  4. #4
    im not sure on this either...

    regarding the above: that would mean that parallel steer would be 100% ackermann - which is incorrect, right?

    i think its percentage based off its variation from perfect ackermann (i.e. all tyres turning about a common centre point).

  5. #5
    oops.. my bad, i read your post wrong.

    im lost all over again

    i cant believe milliken and milliken doesnt elaborate more on this... or diagonal weight transfer either... pretty much has nothing regarding steering

  6. #6
    I believe the correct way is as follows...
    I have not read this anywhere, but based on the fact that parallel steer is 0%, and 100% is when the steering arms can be projected back to the rear axle at the vehicle centreline, then the range from 0-100% is between this geometry.
    Hence, if you find the angle that the steering arms vary from straight ahead, as a percentage of the angle required to intersect the said point on the rear axle, that is your ackermann as a percentage.
    Don't ask me about Anti-ackermann, but I would guess to be consistent you stick to the same calculation, just quote the percentage as negative?
    Hope this is the 'standard', not that I can find any!

    Lee Stretch
    UHRacing Alumni

  7. #7
    Originally posted by STRETCH:
    I believe the correct way is as follows...
    I have not read this anywhere, but based on the fact that parallel steer is 0%, and 100% is when the steering arms can be projected back to the rear axle at the vehicle centreline, then the range from 0-100% is between this geometry.
    Hence, if you find the angle that the steering arms vary from straight ahead, as a percentage of the angle required to intersect the said point on the rear axle, that is your ackermann as a percentage.
    Don't ask me about Anti-ackermann, but I would guess to be consistent you stick to the same calculation, just quote the percentage as negative?
    Hope this is the 'standard', not that I can find any!
    The "steering arms intersecting the rear axle" method is only correct when the tie rods are not angled forward or backward. The angle between the tie rod and the steering arm are what decides Ackermann geometry. 100% Ackermann geometry is when both wheels are traveling in concentric circles and parallel steering (0%) is when the wheels are traveling in equal circles.

    The amount of Ackermann will change with steering angle, but most teams will simply use the Ackermann percentage at a particular steering angle and corner radius as their Ackermann percentage. Using a corner radius equal to their wheelbase is common. The percentage of Ackermann would be equal to the percentage from 100% Ackermann that your particular steering geometry exhibits. For example, you use an inside wheel steering angle of 15 degrees and the outside wheel is at 12 degrees. If 100% Ackermann is when the outside wheel is at 10 degrees, then you would have 60% Ackermann steering. If in this example your outside wheel is at 17 degrees, then you would have 40% anti-Ackermann geometry. Remember, this is only for this particular corner. The percentage will change at different steering angles and may be progressive or regressive.

    This is how I understand it. If someone has another method, please feel free to chime in.
    _ _
    Joel Harshbarger
    USF Motorsports

  8. #8
    After serveral hours of looking for the "quoted" Ackerman percentage, I discovered this explanaation in the Optimum K software help file, which I've found quite useful as an introduction to basic Kinematics in conjuction with Milliken's RCVD.

    % Ackerman = (Angle Inside Wheel - Angle Outside Wheel)/Angle Inside Wheel for 100% Ackerman

    Where the inside wheel angle for 100% Ackerman is:

    Tan-1(WB/(WB/TAN(Angle outside wheel) - Front Track)) - Angle of outside wheel

    I'm not sure if the single figure quoted at events are the static Ackerman angle or full lock angle


  9. #9
    I used to wonder about the % Ackermann definition, too, but now I think of it in terms of the K&C "steer-steer" tests. That is, how much steering at each front wheel per degree at the steering wheel. The curves (and their difference) can be plotted against steering wheel angle, giving a very good indication of what's really happening. The curves are rarely linear anyway, so the % Ackermann figure is at best a point linearization.
    Dr. Edward M. Kasprzak
    President: EMK Vehicle Dynamics, LLC
    Associate: Milliken Research Associates, Inc.
    Co-Director: FSAE Tire Test Consortium
    Lecturer: SAE Industrial Lecture Program
    FSAE Design Judge

  10. #10
    In the production automobile world they generally refer to "toe out on turn" rather than Ackermann percentages.

    The standard measurement seems to be with the inside wheel turned 20 degrees, and then the turn angle of the outside wheel should be as specified.
    If the outside wheel is less than 20, then there is some Ackermann; if greater than 20 then there is some anti-Ackermann.

    Of course, as Joel mentioned, this single figure tells you nothing about the Ackermann at any other steer angle.


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