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Thread: Carroll Smith / Milliken books to a good home

  1. #1

    Carroll Smith / Milliken books to a good home

    I have a set of Carroll Smith "To Win" books and Milliken's Race Car Vehicle Dynamics including the work book that need a new home. If you are on a new team or a low budget team who does not already have this in your library, and you will get use and knowledge out of them, send me a PM and I will ship them to you for a small fee of $0.00
    Attached Images
    Matt Brown

  2. #2
    Hello Matt,

    I really like to "buy" the books - but do you send them to Germany, when I pay the postage? It's really hard to get them here in Germany! (I can't send you a private message, because your mailbox is full)


  3. #3
    If you can make an electronic copy and post them here, this 'd be great, specially Caroll smith's books.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Perth, Western Australia

    You may not be aware that Carroll was a long time supporter of Formula SAE. Copying his books and sharing them in this way is illegal and unethical. It is great when people like Milliken & Milliken, Smith and others take a lot of time to publish useful works for the benefit of us all. There is not a lot of money in this publishing, please be mindful of this.


  5. #5



    Come on! You should know better!!! FS/ FSAE is a way to prepare yourself for a good engineering career and you already want to use illegal and unethical tools?! Not impressive.

    FYI When I interview students during the design judging and they show me simulation I most often ask what software they use and if they can prove they have a lawful license of that software. If they don't I will disregard the simulation. For the rest, the team will get the points they deserve but in my mind their ethics will remain unimpressive.

    That question will be automatic in India where the FSI organizers understood that the use of pirated software was detrimental to the standing of their organization and the reputation and work search of their students abroad.
    Last edited by Claude Rouelle; 03-30-2016 at 12:37 PM.
    Claude Rouelle
    OptimumG president
    Vehicle Dynamics & Race Car Engineering
    Training / Consulting / Simulation Software
    FS & FSAE design judge USA / Canada / UK / Germany / Spain / Italy / China / Brazil / Australia

  6. #6
    First of all I'm sorry, but to be honest this is what we do here in Egypt.

    We don't have the ability to buy these books and if we have we can't find it.

    I saw one of Carroll Smith's book in UK event last year and I couldn't afford it, but this book has many things I missed as first design.

    I'm sorry again.

  7. #7
    All of us want something we do not have. Does it give us the permission to steel it?
    I understand the very difficult conditions it which you are working in. But that does it give you the right of copyright infringement?
    The golden rule is Don't do to others what we do not want the others to do to you: If you would have spent years of your live to write a book or create a software and you expect to be paid back with the sale of your hard work, how would you react if you find that other people are literally stealing it?

  8. #8

    You could contact someone on this forum in America or Europe who has the ability to buy these books cheaply secondhand, and then take a chance on getting them sent in a plain brown cardboard box?

    Charles Kaneb
    Magna International
    FSAE Lincoln Design Judge - Frame/Body/Link judging area. Not a professional vehicle dynamicist.

  9. #9
    Kareem my friend,
    We (Students at Cairo Uni / Cairo Uni Racing Team) have bought some books, PDFs or have them shipped to our University. without any problems or high fees. for example this year we have bought a PDF book about Engine Tuning and costed about LE100
    Cairo Uni also have licenses for Softwares like SolidWorks, Matlab, ANSYS, Ricardo, . . . etc and last year in Germany we didn't show any simulation unless we have a license for the Software used
    Not all the students in Egypt read or use illegal copies of books and or Softwares.
    Last edited by Ahmad Rezq; 03-31-2016 at 05:34 AM.

  10. #10
    Mr Claude, I couldn't agree any more. I understand your point.

    Charles, this is a good way I will work on it.

    Rezq, we don't have problems with software the problem is the ability of having books. Tell me how did you get RCVD _for example_ in a legal way and I will do the same.

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