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Thread: A new free vehicle dynamics resource - Dan's Vehicle Dynamics Corner

  1. #231
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2008
    Brighton, MI

    Gyro. Its a sandwich.

    Z: Were they drifting ? Hard to do with a rate gyro.

    Actually, its easy to advance the urban legend about yawrates being different front, rear, left right, top and bottom because of many reason:

    Cheap gyros (they're relatively low cost anyways) are commonly solid state comprized of hundreds or even thousands of little bits that all vote for concensus on what the actual median turning rate is. As they wear out, blue states turn to red states. Having a set from different batches will indicate a severly bent up car. Of course, no-one would be so thoughtful to mount all two or three in the same spot and realize that there could be differences in a calibration test. Nah, that would require a note from a stockholder's meeting.

    You can buy rate tables to calibrate your instrument(s). Even a WW-II bomber gyro will still do a good job but it requires 24V - 28V and will affect your effective weight distribution.

    Some still subsrcibe to the multiple lateral accelerometers (front, rear and center) to use in their cleverly perceived method of integrating sum and difference signals to get yawrates and angles, etc. The thing worth noting is that you'll even have a hard time doing this with perfect simulation outputs, much less with the stuff from your rolling trash compactor.

    My most memorable gluten free wiggly frame with several rigid body yawrates had bad breath and required a faceless filter to get a good signal to noise ratio. (Its called a pillowcase filter in Matlab).

    Still waiting for the money shot....

  2. #232
    Senior Member
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    Buffalo, NY USA
    Quote Originally Posted by BillCobb View Post
    You can buy rate tables to calibrate your instrument(s).
    Or integrate yaw rate recorded while driving around a circle, and compare to the lap time (beacon signal in the same data set)? Noisy, but better than no calibration at all.

    Even a WW-II bomber gyro will still do a good job but it requires 24V - 28V and will affect your effective weight distribution.
    Ha! Thanks for the memory, we used one of those in the 1980s. Don't remember the weight, but it was heavy.

  3. #233
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BillCobb View Post
    Z: Were they drifting ?
    Bill, Yes, the driver was drifting ... off to sleep. Fortunately there was no passenger, because that's where the gum tree ended up!

    Honestly, the thickest sheet-metal on these modern cars is thinner than a cigarette paper...


    (PS. I advise all you students who have been driving for 3, 4+ years now (so you know everything there is to know about it), to go to the Police pound, or wherever they take crashed cars, and have a good look at them. Very sobering!)
    Last edited by Z; 07-15-2015 at 09:30 PM.

  4. #234
    Hey Guys,

    Just a heads up that ChassisSim v3.27 has been released. You can find out more here,


    There are some things I've added to help with circle track and fixed input testing. Also I've given an excel example that calls ChassisSim. However I will go into more depth on this in another tutorial shortly.

    Enjoy Guys

    All the Best

    Danny Nowlan
    ChassisSim Technologies

  5. #235
    Hey Guys,

    The ChassisSim bootcamps are on for 2015. More details can be found here,


    These bootcamps are a great opportunity for novice simulation users to get up to speed as well as a brush up for intermediate users. The dates and venues are,

    *Cologne Germany - 10th of November 2015
    *Charlotte NC USA - 3rd of December 2015
    *Indianapolis IN USA - 9th of December 2015

    I fully anticipate they'll fill up quickly. If you want to come shot me an email to info@chassissim.com

    All the Best

    Danny Nowlan
    ChassisSim Technologies

  6. #236
    Hey Guys,

    I have a real treat for you today. Here is a hands on example of how to run ChassisSim from an Excel sheet,


    Where this comes into it's own is if you have detailed setups in an excel sheet you can set this up so ChassisSim can run it so you don't have any loss of information. It's a powerful tool.


    All the Best

    Danny Nowlan
    ChassisSim Technologies

  7. #237
    Hey Guys,

    A couple of things. First things first my thoughts and condolences go out to the friends and family of IndyCar Driver Justin Wilson,


    A very tragic event and it shows us in racing not to take anything for granted.

    Also while this is not about vehicle dynamics I found this on YouTube and I had to share it,


    It's about the approach of one of the most skilled air show pilots in North America Sean D Tucker. Yep it has been dressed up and it has Hollywood stamped all over it. However it is a fantastic case study of dedication, professionalism and passion rolled into one. I have no idea of Mr Tucker lives by this off camera but it's a great thing to aspire to.


    All the Best

    Danny Nowlan
    ChassisSim Technologies

  8. #238
    Hey Guys,

    Just thought I'd give you all a taster of what to expect at the forthcoming ChassisSim bootcamp,


    We have three venues this year being Cologne in Germany, Charlotte in North Carolina and Indianapolis in Indiana in the US.

    We are getting a lot of interest and the thing about the bootcamps is that you'll learn hands on how to get use racecar simulation to get the most out of your racecar. The techniques we'll discuss apply to both racecars and FSAE cars.

    I don't want you guys to miss out.

    All the Best

    Danny Nowlan
    ChassisSim Technologies

  9. #239
    Hey Guys,

    Just a quick one today. If you going to be in Cologne Germany for PMW 2015 I am speaking on the Friday. Here are the details,


    I'll be speaking on Friday the 13th at 11:30am. Feel free to pop in and say hello.

    Also if you want to attend the European bootcamp get in touch with me fast. It is filling up quickly.

    All the Best

    Danny Nowlan
    ChassisSim Technologies

  10. #240
    Hey Guys,

    Just a quick one today guys. One of the biggest objection to getting going and using racecar simulation is a lack of tyre test rig data. This is how you deal with it,



    All the Best

    Danny Nowlan
    ChassisSim Technologies

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