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Thread: Linear Potentiometers for torque encoder in FSAE Electric

  1. #1

    Linear Potentiometers for torque encoder in FSAE Electric

    Hi, I'm designing a pedal box for a car that will compete in the FSAE Electric competition in Lincoln, and our current plan is to use two linear potentiometers for the torque encoder, after seeing this post from last year:http://www.fsae.com/forums/showthrea...%28Electric%29
    However, I've been having difficulty finding linear pots of an appropriate size. Can someone suggest a model, or else point me in a different direction that would be easier to implement? We are trying to get our car done ASAP so we can tune and test it as much as possible. For the sake of time, I've even started looking at oem throttle pedals, but information on those has been hard to find.

    Thanks, all help will be appreciated!
    Last edited by jchua; 01-27-2014 at 03:27 PM. Reason: forgot link

  2. #2

    Texense offers discounts to FSAE teams and their sensors are very high quality.

    Penny and Giles is another company that you can get linear pots form. MoTeC Systems East also carries linear pots (I believe they are form P&G) so you can contact them. Both of these companies should be able to offer you a discount.
    University of Florida - Gator Motorsports
    Project Manager (2012 - 2013)
    Electrical System Leader (2010 - 2015)
    Powertrain/Engine Tuner (2011 - 2015)

  3. #3
    Thanks for the help!

  4. #4
    We use linear potentiometers form KA-Sensors.

  5. #5
    Has anyone used Sens4speed RSL linear pots? They are $200.


    Joshua Byington

    Boston University Racing

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