Hello Guys,
I am Apoorv from SRM University, India. We are participating for First time in 2015 FSAE Italy.
For our first car chassis I am having a some trouble in getting the appropriate torsional stiffness value from FEA. I have used ANSYS Workbench beam analysis method for the analysis by importing coordinates, drawing tube center lines and then defining cross section. I applied a couple at front 2 suspension nodes and fixed the rear bulkhead 4 nodes. The deflection I got gave me a TR value of 600Nm/degree. Which is less stiff I guess. Also when I tried by importing directly the solidworks file into ansys(as solid geometry) and did the same analysis it gave TR value of 1000Nm/deg (as the deflections were small). I also tried different forces from 500-2000N but the results were same(which is good).
Can anyone tell me which method is more appropriate beam element or solid geometry? Is there anything wrong I am doing in the process (fixtures or loads)?
Ansys images are attached below.
Solidworks.jpgBeam element Method - more deflection.jpgLoad and Fixtures.jpgSolid geometry Method - less deflection.jpg