One reason I would be interested in how the judges judged design, is that Monash won again with the same car. In my small mind, I did not expect Monash could win with the exact same design, but I was wrong. Maybe any of the top 15 teams could have won design with the cars they had, with the result determined by how smart the team are at answering questions during judging. It would be interesting to hear those answers, not that I'm expecting we would or should. I maybe showing my ignorance, not sure. I know Monash have simulators to predict competition results, and they target that, and have the resources to micro-manage the comp complete with leaders stationed around the place complete with radios and ear pieces.
But, if we design a car for the weekend autocrosser, should it take 30 people to look after? A good design should be a bit more robust that that surely. A good design would be a turn-key car that can be managed at at event with only 1 or 2 people. But dynamics are after design in the comp, and I'm not suggesting it be changed. Just something to think about.