My interpretation of this, based on my understanding of the English language and the figure attached to the proposed Rules, is that it is PERFECTLY LEGAL to have a "venitian blind" of front wings, with chord = 625 mm, span = full-width of car, and reaching from about 550 mm above ground ALL THE WAY UP TO THE EDGE OF SPACE!!! Or higher, if you want...
So it also seems that full-width wings above the cockpit area are legal and can be at ANY HEIGHT AT ALL. Note that the UNDEFINED (!) "undertray" is only given as an "example".
I strongly suggest that all Teams send official letters, on your School letterheaded paper, to this Rules Committee, and ask for just two things.
1. That you be given the names of the various RC Members who propose these Rules changes. This should include the higher level members who sanction these changes.
2. That those RC Members be held responsible (preferably FINANCIALLY responsible!) for any disputes that arise from the above sort of ATROCIOUSLY WORDED Rules. (For example, when a Team arrives at a competition and is ordered to toss its very expensive mega-front-&-mid-aero-package, even though the Rules do NOT specifically ban it.)
At the very least, the responsible RC Members should be publicly ridiculed.
(I note that it is pointless for me to write to the RC directly, but I will do my best with the public ridiculing.
