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Thread: FSAE Chassis Anlysis Problem

  1. #11
    thanks Jay
    but I saw all of solidworks simulation on youtube and they don't talk about it directly,I post this problem on solidworks.com/forums it has after 1 day 54 visits but no reply!!Do you know How can I do it in Ansys or Abaqus?
    FUM Racing Team
    Ferdowsi University of Mashhad -Iran (2012-2016)

  2. #12
    Hi Every Body
    I found answer in SolidWorks.com/Forums .Any body want to simulate this boundary condition use "Use Reference Geometry" and add to Transition Tab x=y=z=0 and apply the load .
    But this question not replied which I use Baseline material (which doesn't need SCRF and simulation documents) but the simulation shows that the baseline material will fail!!
    Any Ideas...?
    FUM Racing Team
    Ferdowsi University of Mashhad -Iran (2012-2016)

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