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Thread: A new free vehicle dynamics resource - Dan's Vehicle Dynamics Corner

  1. #131
    Hey Guys,

    Just on another note for any of your familiar with the Engineering software package Altair we have just joined forces,


    Just for everyone's reference, However pay attention to that post above. It was a very good question.

    All the Best

    Danny Nowlan
    ChassisSim Technologies

  2. #132

    Thank you; the 'tires from nothing' paper was exactly what I was looking for and your own explanation clears it up a lot.
    Especially tying it back to the neutral steer channel / equilibrium concept.
    I will probably be contacting you about your book soon!
    Austin G.
    Tech. Director of APEX Pro LLC
    Auburn University FSAE
    War Eagle Motorsports
    Chief Chassis Engineer 2013
    Vehicle Dynamics 2010-2012

  3. #133

    No worries my friend. Glad it helped.

    All the Best

    Danny Nowlan
    ChassisSim Technologies

  4. #134
    Hey Guys,

    I've been working with a few of my customers this week and a recurring theme that has come up is how do you employ simulation techniques. The following should help,


    It's one of my racecar articles about how to use racecar simulation as a weapon.


    Danny Nowlan
    ChassisSim Technologies

  5. #135
    Hey Guys,

    Just a few housekeeping things. A few of you have been asking about getting started with the online simulation. This should help,


    Also just giving everyone the heads up the ChassisSim/Altair Webinar is on the 17th of April 2014. You can find more details here,


    All the Best

    Danny Nowlan
    ChassisSim Technologies

  6. #136
    Hey Guys,

    Quite a few things going on this week. Let me break it down for you 1 by 1,

    1) We are about to launch the ChassisSim newsletter. It will keep you up to date on things with race car simulation and vehicle dynamics. It's also a really good to review some older tutorials and Dan's vehicle dynamics corner episodes that have dropped of the radar screen. Anyway the first one is heading out next week. If you want to subscribe here is the link,


    2) I've just posted the latest video tutorial on the blog. It's about one of the key things to race car simulation. It blows me away how overlooked this gets. Any way here is the link,


    3) Lastly a reminder about the Altair webinar which is next Thursday. The link is above.

    All the Best

    Danny Nowlan
    ChassisSim Technologies

  7. #137
    Hey Guys,

    Just a reminder that tonight I'm giving a Webinar about how ChassisSim fits into the Altair alliance. It will be a good overview of ChassisSim. Here is the link,


    Also keep tuned next week. I have something special planned for everyone.

    Hopefully I'll see a few of you tonight my time.

    All the Best

    Danny Nowlan
    ChassisSim Technologies

  8. #138
    Hi Danny,

    sorry I missed the early session for the europeans and I will not be able to attend the late one... Do you know if there will be a recording of the webinar?

    Btw. I'm working at Altair in Germany ;-)

    Cheers, Lutz
    Lutz Dobrowohl
    Raceyard Kiel

    Now: Scruitineer, Design Judge, application engineer @Altair engineering

    Whatever you do, do it hard!

  9. #139

    No worries my friend and sorry for the late reply. There should be a link on the Altair website where you can view a recording of the webinar. If it hasn't been put up already I'll chase down the link for you.

    All the Best

    Danny Nowlan
    ChassisSim Technologies

  10. #140
    Hey Guys,

    Today you guys are in for a real treat. This is the latest episode of Dan's Vehicle Dynamics corner where I talk about how to use ChassisSim in the race car design process,


    If truth be told what I've just shared with you here is the tip of the iceberg. I just got of the phone with a customer and they are using ChassisSim in the design process of their race car. There using it in a way I wouldn't have thought of in a million years. This is what you have got at your fingertips.

    Enjoy this is a good one.

    All the Best

    Danny Nowlan
    ChassisSim Technologies

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