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Thread: Things I love about Formula SAE

  1. #601
    Originally posted by jlangholzj:
    -our composites guy (everyone's got one of "those")

    -having more food in the fridge down at the shop than in the fridge at your own place
    One thing I've noticed from being involved in FSAE for over a decade is that there are really only like a half-dozen or so primary personality types that you can find, with most people having some mix. For every "that guy" on your team, you can usually find his or her "evil twin" on another team. Gets weird sometimes.
    Dr. Adam Witthauer
    Iowa State University 2002-2013 alum

    Mad Scientist, Gonzo Racewerks Unincorporated, Intl.

  2. #602
    -Borrowing tools from university's work shop and never returning them back.
    -Lighting cigarettes from MIG welding plant as no one had a lighter.
    -Comparing and Insulting Shell ECO marathon guys all the time.
    -When parents ask, Putting up all the blame of bad grades on FSAE whatsoever.
    -Lunch at 6pm and dinner at 3am

  3. #603
    Being the selling point to prospective students for the mechanical engineering department (at astoundingly little cost)
    Finding ways to get the school to give us money for crazy autoparts
    Seeing ideas turn into functional parts in less than 8 hrs
    Combining vehicle systems (harness bar + rotating shifter links, frame tube and sway bar, frame tubes and engine mounts, etc)
    Having a mutual understanding with the master machinist to call each other "dude"
    Trying to solve the best problem in the world: FSAE!

  4. #604
    Quote Originally Posted by HassaanKhan View Post
    -Comparing and Insulting Shell ECO marathon guys all the time.
    Tagging along that comment, it's quite interesting to see last years' Shell Eco team building uprights heavier than the ones on the Formula car, using 3/4-inch plywood as a base, and "shimming" their "suspension" with an inch-thick stack of washers on top of each upright.

  5. #605
    Accidentally leaving a 13mm wrench on a rear tie rod nut. Then autocrossing 8 laps.


  6. #606
    Haha, that's a good one.

    -Talking at length to interview-ees about their experience in FSAE, and none of the other people in the room get what the big deal is.

    Northwestern Formula Racing Alum
    Head Engineer, Frame/Suspension 2006-2009

    My '73 Saab 99 Road Race Build

  7. #607
    -Every single person in our car completely running out of money before we even cross the american border on the way to Michigan for competition. We threw every piece of plastic we had at the poor girl working mcdonalds drivethru. We ended up having to cancel half of our order because we couldn't afford it.

    -Dropping off our only set of new slicks and good set of wheels at the tire shop down the street from our shop the day before we leave for competetion.... and the shop gets busted for some sort of illegal activity. Arrests are made outside the shop, and the whole place is completely locked down for a while. We beg the detectives to let us in and grab our wheels/tires but they won't budge. We end up making a last minute call to Hoosier to bring an extra set with them to Michigan

  8. #608
    Oh good gravy. Here's a few more for you.

    -Suspension guy proposing a final design where the front pushrod is offset from the lower ball joint. The dynamics of this situation are HILARIOUS to think about.

    -Suspension guy designed for the steering tie-rods to attach in front of the upright. Steering tubing all welded in when we figure out that the steering rack was oriented the wrong way... steering wheel directions != wheel directions. OOOPS


  9. #609
    Quote Originally Posted by stever95 View Post
    -Suspension guy designed for the steering tie-rods to attach in front of the upright. Steering tubing all welded in when we figure out that the steering rack was oriented the wrong way... steering wheel directions != wheel directions. OOOPS
    Sounds like our car last year, had to flip the steering rack around such that the mounting tabs had to be bolted onto the rack then welded into the car, hence rack is not easily removable.

  10. #610
    Quote Originally Posted by stever95 View Post
    Oh good gravy. Here's a few more for you.
    -Suspension guy designed for the steering tie-rods to attach in front of the upright. Steering tubing all welded in when we figure out that the steering rack was oriented the wrong way... steering wheel directions != wheel directions. OOOPS


    Also did that by accident one year, although fortunately it was just an assembly error and not a design error. It was something like a 60 hour straight marathon of assembling the car, got the steering in and turned the steering wheel and the tires pointed the opposite direction...it was at that point that I decided I should probably go home and sleep.
    Dr. Adam Witthauer
    Iowa State University 2002-2013 alum

    Mad Scientist, Gonzo Racewerks Unincorporated, Intl.

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