Hi All!
The early registration has passed on this upcoming seminar, however I'm going to extend the early pricing to those of you on this forum! Email rachel.trapp@optimumg.com today to register at the discounted price!
This seminar is the three day seminar you've all heard of plus an additional day of simulation where we'll apply all the theory discussed in the three days prior. It's a seminar experience you will not want to miss!
Also, did I mention all calculations are based on a generic FSAE car?
Check out more details here:http://www.optimumg.com/wp-content/u...eminar2012.pdf
I look forward to hearing from all of you today!
Additional information:
For the OptimumG seminar following the Formula SAE competition in Lincoln Nebraska, we are bringing out brand new training material. With the added 4th day, we will go through methods and tools that will help you understand how to apply the theory in designing and setting up a FSAE car.
In the class room there will be a Driver-In-the-Loop simulator which be used to demonstrate engineering development methods and also used for data analysis to improve vehicle performance and driver performance.
Students will have a chance to go on the simulator and their performance will be analyzed in class, with the goal to increase understanding and improve performance of the driver/vehicle.
Take a look at this video to learn more (and get sneak peek of what the endurance track in Lincoln will look like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWhdIBvjYmo