I know this topic has been dicussed before, but i couldnt seem to find it anywhere in the forum, i checked every single page!
well ... my question is, im done with all my classes and i have 2 more technical electives that i have to do. Most of students exchange their 6 months internship with those tech. electives.
For me, i rather do FSAE full time, and exchange that with course credits. But my advisor told me that, if it's a group project, it's more likely not to be approved by my engineering dept.
Reason being is that, they had a case a couple years back where a student were doing a thesis on SAE Aero Design, and when other team members found out that he got course credit for it, they all wanted a piece of the pie. And this creates a lot of problem because, you have a group member who does nothing and still get course credit.
So my advisor told me that unless it's an individual projec, i can forget about getting course credit for FSAE. So does anybody here have any ideas on how i can make FSAE an individual project? I mean, i could make a thesis about wing design on FSAE, but that still requires a group help on making those wings and the parts.
Any idea would be much appreciated, thanks!!!