Last year, we unsuccessfully tried several GYT-R and FMF mufflers to try to make our Yamaha 450 single pass sound.

None of them worked. We ended up using a stock YFZ450R "Forest Service ATV" muffler, which weighs almost 10 lbs by itself, and barely passed sound at 108 dB at competition.

The 2013 car's structure and shielding may be even louder. Even the "Forest Service" muffler may not pass sound this time.

I've seen many cars over the past few years pass sound with little, light mufflers on singles. Even the big-wing teams with lots of opportunities for sound reflection appear to get away with it.

Is there a COTS muffler that's really, really quiet? We can stand to give up several horsepower to restriction, but I don't want to have a muffler that appears to have come off of a Cadillac Eldorado (because it did) mounted on our smallest, lightest car yet.