
I did mean 'wheel rate' or 'ride rate' when I said it was too stiff. Really I didn't even look at your installed spring, just know that your natural frequency is too high, by ~50% from my experience.

I can't see your calculation for the damping ratios on mobile.
If you use the slope of the high speed line to compute them, I think that's not good - Better to use the average damping.

Anyway, the code you show (4?) is still far too soft damping ratios. Probably because the motion ratio is outside the range these are designed to accommodate.

Sorry not to explain fully, would rather not have a one sided conversation about this:
I would suggest damping ratios between 1 and 1.5 low speed, and effective ratio of ~.65 to .85 high speed.


Don't recall you saying - can you change any suspension geometry? Could you raise the roll centers to stiffen roll?
That's not as adjustable, but easier to implement sometimes than ARBs.