Ok, it seems that the ETC rules are a bit too extreme... Is Kettering University the only team that has an issue with that (the only team that planned to run it?!) or are the others just silent?

In my experience, Michael and Andrew, complaining about it in this forum does not change anything. You should take it up to the rules committee. When FSG announced some serious Aero restrictions for 2014, the guys from Monash wrote a nice document where they explained why the rules are too strict - not purposeful.

Maybe your team - with the experience of CSC - could try a comparable approach. To be honest, I still think the Germans are much better to talk to compared to the US responsibles, so don't know if this works, but it's worth a shot...

you proposed a delay of the rules for 2016 - do you still think this is necessary? I am sadly not able to fully understand the impact of the changes so don't know if the teams that already started designing their car for Michigan have an issue. If Curtin wants to go to Europe 2015, do they need more changes besides a different aero package?