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Thread: 2015 FSAE Rules

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  1. #11
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Z is spot on in saying that there is a lot more to look at in the IC cars, but I think way off base in any assumption that would claim parity between EV and IC in the current ruleset.
    (Almost) ALL the current C-Cars handicap themselves by using off-the-shelf powertrains (ie. "gearboxes", usually from motorbikes). Bad idea because;
    1. These totally mess up the overall mass distribution of the cars. It is hard to get much more than 50%R, and gives too high a Yaw inertia.
    2. These gearboxes, typically with rather weak clutches, are not very good at converting the constant and high level of power available from the IC engines (which is on par with E-cars), into the most appropriate torque at the wheels. Especially so at the lower speeds. (Note that for the E-cars, this "power-to-torque-gearing" is really just a software problem (PWM?), albeit reliant on expensive electrical hardware.)

    But the typical FSAE aversion to solving these problems really boils down to LAZINESS. There is NOTHING NEW to be "invented", and the cost of using the "right answer" is NOT high.

    I remember a long thread (possibly several threads) covering these issues back in 2005. There was huge negativity back then, just as there is now. Very, very few Teams have tried to solve these problems. Usually they are very small Teams, typically with only one highly motivated member. After some limited success, the new team members decide it is MUCH EASIER to simply jump back into the middle of the FSAE flock. "Hey, sooo much easier, and we still get our Gold Stars!"

    Your Team is one of the very few who are now addressing this problem. PLEASE KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING. Burn it into ECU's DNA.

    IMO the path to E-Car-like drivetrain performance is only a few steps away. I hope you come to Oz-14, so we can talk about stuff. Like tractor IVTs, or the typical drag-car drivetrain, which at the lower power levels use mildly modified auto-boxes (hint, hint..., very simple FSAE system, suitable for your engine... ).

    IMO the only pro-E-Car BIAS in the current Rules is that they pretend that energy supplied from coal-fired steam-engines, that then suffers countless transmission and conversion losses, is somehow GREENER than a fuel you can grow in your own back paddock (= ethanol). I also like propane...

    Discussion, anyone...?

    Last edited by Z; 08-03-2014 at 11:06 PM.

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