Dr. Bob, If I am a God, then the Oregon State and Auburn U. Baja cars are the Chariots of the Gods. As Indian students asked me what their car should look like, I would pull up pictures of your cars. It would not surprise me if I created a mini baby boom of Oregon Sate/Auburn U. Baja look-alike cars. We will see…

Honestly, I am no more a God than anyone else. I pull my pants on one leg at a time, just like everyone else in this world.

Edd_16, Virtual event? No way! A virtual event is the exact opposite of what FSAE was created for. If you want to virtually design something, stay home on the couch. If you want a challenging project designed to improve your engineering skills which automatically puts you in the top 5% of ‘Doers’ then come out and Design, Build, Test and COMPETE in FS-India!