I was also hoping to see a "Design Review" by all the Judges at the end of this comp, but nothing... Last year there was a very general one, but not relating to any specific cars.
Given the supposed educational nature of the comp, such Design reviews should be the most central part of the whole show. Not much point doing an exam and then NOT being told what parts you got right or wrong. No learning there.
So maybe the DJs can provide a short written review of all the cars here? Please? :)
Or maybe just a list of outstandingly good features on some given cars, and another list of shocking design errors from "...you know who you are!".
Anyway, the Driver Swap reports provide really useful feedback. Perhaps even better than DJ reviews, because they are based on the actual performance of the car on track.
Regarding Claude and DASDs, I interpreted a rapid sideways oscillation of his head, together with words to the effect of "I would no advise...", as a general disapproval of the idea.
But only one person can conclusively clear this up. Claude???