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I agree. IC1.6.1/1.7.1 + 1.7.3 (Why should the use of recirculation valves be prohibited?! I honestly cannot find any reasonable motivation for that. Open blow off valves, okay, to prevent any chance of getting air in after the restrictor, but "closed" systems? Does not make any sense at all to me) + 1.16 (not more than 10% throttle during braking) basically prohibit the use of positive displacement superchargers. Completely. Turbochargers are less affected, but here the recirculation valve would have been needed as well, as an anti surge valve and simply to keep the turbo spinning, when the throttle is placed behind (and no open-throttle-anti lag system is allowed).
Why change the throttle position, which encourages the teams to use turbochargers, and then create IC1.7.3 which in combination with 1.16 makes the use of all kinds of turbo- or superchargers near senseless? I don't get it.