Tough day at the office? Given that you now work in NascarLand, you have my sympathies.
I have yet to see your response to me in the moment diagram with weight transfer thread...
I was hoping more people would post on that thread with more specific details of how they use those MMMDs (which is what JP, Silente asked for). I have suggestions for how those diagrams could be made more useful, and I may get around to posting them... But should I bother?
You can get away with running no ARBs some of the time, you can't get away with running only springs all of the time.
I have NEVER seen a good off-road racecar with ARBs, and they are all about good suspension. Oh, yes, ... they are different to FSAE. And so is Nascar...
Horses for courses...
And your brown go-kart is the answer right?
See bottom of post...
The above discussions about "changed handling from changing MRs" is a good example of the SLOPPINESS of thinking that I was getting at. So, one more time, putting it as simply as I can...
Ritwik's rear suspension has a Kinematic layout of DASDs and suspension-arms that gives a 3% variation of instantaneous MR, over the 8 cm range from full-droop to full-bump. (This is my understanding from Ritwik's post top-of-p4, which is quite well written, given that English is probably not his first language.)
IMPORTANTLY, on Ritwik's car:
The MR at static-ride-height NEVER CHANGES.
The MR at full-droop NEVER CHANGES.
The MR at full-bump NEVER CHANGES.
It is simply that the MR at these different suspension positions is (very slightly!) different to the MR at the other positions.
But (!), on your car,
The bellcranks are already designed with the mounting holes in them, so we only had to take the down time of moving one bolt on each side of the car.
From which I assume, you are CHANGING THE MRs OVER THE FULL RANGE OF SUSPENSION POSITIONS, from one "car-set-up" to another "car-set-up"!!!
Unfortunately, you have not bothered telling us how much your MRs changed, so NO meaningful conclusions can be drawn!
Anyway, I hope you can see the huge difference in the above two cases (ie. they are NOT comparable!).
Bonus points for anyone who cares to post calcs for "How much handling-balance-change would come from Ritwik's above suspension, and in what circumstances?".
Hint: By my reckoning, and based on my Assumptions written on this scrap-of-paper, because LLTD would only change as peak cornering-Gs change (because of more body-roll, to spell it out), even a doubling of cornering-Gs would give a change in LLTD so small as to be imperceptible. This imperceptibility because the tiny change in LLTD would be against a background of the car going ~40% faster, having ~double the aero-drag (hence more R-load), ~double any aero-lift/downforce and associated shift in balance, ~double the toe/camber++ compliances, and massively changed loadings/temps++ of the tyres...
It is entirely possible that, because of all those "other" changes, the car would move from, say, mild-US to massive OS, even though the (tiny!) LLTD change would be in the opposite direction.
Back To DASDs.
Posted by Claude:
... observations about Z...
... to my knowledge these perspectives have never been confirmed by success on race car ...
My intention when first promoting DASDs was to give the smaller and less well resourced Teams a potential advantage. By tossing their previous year's Rockers+++, they could save time, money, and weight, and thus put more effort into the much more important parts of the project (eg. aero, driver-training, reliability, more aero+++). Oddly, it seems that it is mostly these lower-half-of-the-ladder Teams that still see DASDs as the work of the Devil.
On the other hand, and contrary to Claude's claim above about "... never been confirmed", it seems that the Teams towards the top-of-ladder think differently. Some of them like DASDs! Hmmm, maybe that is because these more successful teams are using that ancient approach of thinking things through, "Plato's Academy style"...???
Claude, check the ladder. And when you have time, try thinking through that Parallel Axis Theorem... You know, with clear Definitions, Assumptions, etc.
(PS. Ahmad, Thanks. No new VD theories. I am still trying to learn what all those clever people from hundreds/thousands of years ago gave us...)