Hey Guys,
Just a quick community service announcement. For those of you based in Europe we'll be exhibiting at the PMW Expo in Koln/Cologne Germany from Nov 7 - 9. We are at stand 6072.
Also we are presenting a seminar at the Expo as well,
If your in Europe this will be well worth your while attending. I look forward to seeing you there.
All the Best
Danny Nowlan
ChassisSim Technologies
Hey Guys,
My apologies for the lack of posting - we at ChassisSim have been absolutely flat out. I just thought I'd give everyone the heads up that due to popular request, the hard copy of my book - The Dynamics of the Race Car is available for purchase. You can find the details here,
Over the years it has been found that this book is a very good compliment to Race Car Vehicle Dynamics and Jorge Seger's book - "Analysis Techniques for Racecar data acquisition" . BTW Jorge's book for me is the definitive reference for racecar data acquisition.
All the Best
Danny Nowlan
ChassisSim Technologies