Here are pics from day 2 of the 2013 FSAE MIS Competition:
Please email me if you would like any original files...
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Here are pics from day 2 of the 2013 FSAE MIS Competition:
Please email me if you would like any original files...
Keep the pictures coming Randy! I always count on you.Quote:
Originally posted by floRACEca:
Here are pics from day 2 of the 2013 FSAE MIS Competition:
Please email me if you would like any original files...
P.S. Do you get to cruise around in the new Stingray at all this year?
Did a little data collection on the Design Finalists.
Of the 9 finalists:
- 6 have full aero packages.
- 7 have at least some aero.
- 3.5 have monocoques. *
- 5.5 have steel space frames. *
- 4 have single cylinders (2 450cc, 1 550cc, 1 605cc).
- 5 have 4 cylinders (All 600cc).
- 4 run on E-85. **
- 4 run on gasoline. **
* Auburn is running a hybrid monocoque/space frame.
** Michigan isn't in the Event Guide so I don't know what fuel they're running.
Seems pretty spread out across the board. But one thing that stands out is that aero seems to have a strong presence.
This competition is going to be insane hahaha
Love to see all this aero cars.
Ok teams...for live scores and audio visit these websites:
Awesome! Appreciate the link. Score link doesn't seem to be good, but streaming is great!Quote:
Originally posted by SAE_intl_girl:
Ok teams...for live scores and audio visit these websites:
Did I hear right that teams are doing 4.0s times at the SkidPad? Or is the commentator mixing up Acceleration and Skidpad times?
@t_bar: Looking at the layout of the scoring link, I would bet that it will come alive when Autocross starts.
Haven't heard anything about the skidpad times. I'm pretty sure all the times have been acceleration.Quote:
Originally posted by TMichaels:
Did I hear right that teams are doing 4.0s times at the SkidPad? Or is the commentator mixing up Acceleration and Skidpad times?
@t_bar: Looking at the layout of the scoring link, I would bet that it will come alive when Autocross starts.
If only we had a webcam out there. The ustream is awesome, but as my first MIS event to miss since '08 I NEED MORE!
LiveTiming is now live here:
Make sure to refresh the page regularly.
So far I've updated most Static events (except 82 on in cost), pending the order of the top teams in each event. I've also added the first page of the Accel scores.
Here's the link to the score sheet again, since it got lost in the first page of this thread:!AAKY9Xt0TuRmapw
If you see that other scores are posted by other teams and available let me know so I can keep updating!
Anyone have any details on the Universidad Simon Bolivar car? That's the first "100" cost score I've seen in a while; what'd they do to have the cheapest, best-documented car there?
Originally posted by Charles Kaneb:
Anyone have any details on the Universidad Simon Bolivar car? That's the first "100" cost score I've seen in a while; what'd they do to have the cheapest, best-documented car there?
If you are basing that off of my spreadsheet, then it's not their final score. For each of the 3 static events, the scores of the top teams (3 in Cost and Presentation, and 9 in Design) have yet to be determined, so until then I just gave each team the maximum available points in that event. That's why they are highlighted yellow and there is the notes on the right of the spreadsheet.
Charles I didn't quite understand your question but if you see the results you can see we (USB) have always done good at cost.
Gotta be one of your strong points when you are in a contry with thousands of drawbacks so you have to find your way around costs.
Also our team always prepares a very strong actual report.
I think what Charles meant to say was that it is very hard to get the full 100 points in the cost event. Unlike every other event, the first place team does not get the maximum points. In order to get the full 100 points you need to have the cheapest car, get full points in the real case and report score (not that bad) AND get the full 40/40 on the feasibility score, which is nearly impossible! Over the past few years, the top scoring team in Cost has scored between 90-95 points, but I don't think anyone has gotten the full 100 points before.
I thought the same as you, but also thought that maybe he was asking if there was something special about USB doing good.
Anyone has the results of skidpad and accel? A pic or something
FSTotal posted the top sheet of the Accel scores on their Facebook. I know the scores have been posted, since some are already posting about it, but none that I've seen have posted pics yet.Quote:
Originally posted by jpusb:
I thought the same as you, but also thought that maybe he was asking if there was something special about USB doing good.
Anyone has the results of skidpad and accel? A pic or something
Considering this is 2013 and the scores are not somehow available on the net as soon as they are posted is.. disappointing.
As an FSAE alum 2000 miles away, it's teeth-grinding awaiting results from competition every year. I'd call someone on my team but I know how stressful comp is and don't want to bug them.
Now imagine having worked on the car throughout the year, but not able to go to comp. That's me. I'm dying here!Quote:
Originally posted by rollcentre:
Considering this is 2013 and the scores are not somehow available on the net as soon as they are posted is.. disappointing.
As an FSAE alum 2000 miles away, it's teeth-grinding awaiting results from competition every year. I'd call someone on my team but I know how stressful comp is and don't want to bug them.
I mean, each school has to have a team contact at FSAEOnline for rules questions, so how hard would it be to email out the score sheets to those contacts once they're printed and posted. The team can then post to social media, forward to the rest of the team, etc. and BOOM within 10 minutes 90% of the competitors and fans have the scores. How hard it that?
I do know it takes a lot to organize this but compared to last year's Formula Student Series... the organization & media involvement at all FSAE competitions in North America seem like a joke...
Really? Still no skidpad or accel posted?
Im so impatient. I read ETS won skidpad with 4.8? is that true?
They've been posted just not to the webs. I'm currently getting them all from our team manager so i'll be updating the spreadsheet as I get them. I'll throw em up on Imgur and post em here once I get em.Quote:
Originally posted by Tinomik:
Really? Still no skidpad or accel posted?
Im so impatient. I read ETS won skidpad with 4.8? is that true?
I can confirm ETS won skidpad though, with a 4.901. Cornell won accel with a 3.830. The only team under 4 seconds.
You are the best-est.Quote:
posted just not to the webs. I'm currently getting them all from our team manager so i'll be updating the spreadsheet as I get them. I'll throw em up on Imgur and post em here once I get em.
You are the best-est. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>Quote:
Originally posted by Tinomik:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">posted just not to the webs. I'm currently getting them all from our team manager so i'll be updating the spreadsheet as I get them. I'll throw em up on Imgur and post em here once I get em.
I know!
If anyone has a better pic of the last accel sheet let me know! The only I got was super blurry.
Also I don't have the last sheet for the Cost scores.
Formula SAE Michigan 2013
Endurance Run Order
Morning Session
Sequence Car Number School Name
1 26 Queen's Univ - Ontario Canada
2 40 Kansas State Univ
3 67 Carnegie Mellon Univ
4 82 Universidad Central de Venezuela
5 123 Univ of Minnesota-Duluth
6 70 Wichita State Univ
7 75 Ferris State University
8 55 Western Michigan Univ
9 23 Univ of Central Florida
10 63 Cooper Union
11 32 Brown Univ
12 43 Northwestern Univ
13 109 Old Dominion Univ
14 115 Univ of Ontario Institute of Tech
15 57 Univ of Illinois - Chicago
16 33 Univ of Missouri
17 30 Universite Du Quebec-Chicoutimi
18 72 Cegep du Vieux - Montreal
19 37 Lafayette College
20 19 Columbia Univ
21 18 US Air Force Academy
22 76 Univ of Michigan - Dearborn
23 59 Univ of Hartford
24 89 Florida Atlantic Univ
25 49 Univ of New Hampshire
26 106 Univ of Waterloo
27 69 Lakehead Univ
28 111 Bradley Univ
29 88 Villanova Univ
30 86 Univ of Manitoba
31 27 York College of Pa
32 90 Arizona State Univ - Tempe
33 107 Univ of Connecticut
34 21 Dalhousie Univ
35 52 Florida Inst of Tech
36 53 Washington Univ - St Louis
37 128 Oklahoma State Univ
38 78 Univ of Windsor
39 122 Seoul National Univ of Science & Tech
40 80 Texas Tech Univ
41 110 Kumoh National Institute of Technology
42 48 Georgia Institute of Technology
43 47 Univ of North Florida
44 54 Univ of Maine
45 41 Southern Polytechnic State Univ
46 108 Mississippi State Univ
47 101 Kettering Univ
48 105 Univ of North Carolina - Charlotte
49 94 Portland State Univ
50 64 Louisiana State Univ
Afternoon Session
Sequence Car Number School Name
51 113 Duke Univ
52 39 Ohio State Univ
53 68 Universite Du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres
54 31 Univ of Toledo
55 85 National Univ of Singapore
56 119 Lawrence Technological Univ
57 81 Georgia Southern Univ
58 25 Univ of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
59 29 Purdue Univ - W Lafayette
60 51 Western Washington Univ
61 121 RWTH Aachen Tech Univ
62 36 Univ of Minnesota - Twin Cities
63 71 Saginaw Valley State Univ
64 91 McGill Univ
65 22 North Carolina State Univ - Raleigh
66 95 Penn State Univ - University Park
67 17 Universidad Simon Bolivar
68 58 Univ of Cincinnati
69 83 Colorado State University
70 66 South Dakota Sch of Mines & Tech
71 38 Oakland University
72 35 San Jose State University
73 84 Cornell Univ
74 97 Rochester Institute of Technology
75 15 Michigan State Univ
76 42 Univ of Maryland - College Park
77 103 Univ of Florida
78 99 Univ of Western Ontario
79 13 Centro Universitario Da FEI
80 93 Kookmin Univ
81 73 Universite Laval
82 100 Clemson Univ
83 92 Virginia Tech
84 10 Univ of Wisconsin - Madison
85 74 Univ of Illinois - Urbana Champaign
86 50 Univ of Akron
87 118 Tallinn University of Technology
88 6 Graz Univ of Technology
89 5 Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor
90 8 Ecole De Technologie Superieure
91 79 Auburn Univ
92 11 Univ of Kansas - Lawrence
93 14 Missouri University of Science and Tech
94 3 Universitat Stuttgart
95 1 Oregon State Univ
Originally posted by coleasterling:
I'd counter that by asking if the typical flair of the European competitions and teams is really necessary. That's a lot of money and time that could go elsewhere. I bet there are a few rollout presentations in Europe that beat poorer teams' yearly budgets.
I'm not harping on them...I really enjoy seeing pictures and videos of those events. There aren't many US teams that have the resources(people included) to do that.
how much does it cost to print an excel sheet with scores as PDF and post it online? 5 minutes of time, if you are slow.
Have you ever been to FS UK, FSA or FSG for example?
If not, try it and judge afterwards, if money and time is spent for the wrong things.
Here are pics from day 3:
Please email me at for higher resolution/original files.
Good luck at endurance.
Originally posted by floRACEca:
Here are pics from day 3:
Please email me at for higher resolution/original files.
Good luck at endurance.
Just a word of thanks for keeping the rest of us updated with pictures! The field looks excellent this year.
Just curious if everyone is able to get the audio streaming to work today for the endurance event?
We finished endurance! Scored in every event, first time in atleast 5 years we've done it. Packed up and down the road getting food, spirits are high.
Heartbreak for Columbia, if I remember correctly they had half a lap left and had a mechanical, had great times and running strong until then.
Had a great time talking to different teams, was a ton of fun.
posted are autocross results.
FS rennteam (stuttgart)'s facebook.
Auto-X track vid for anyone interested:
Bad luck with the conditions for Stuttgart.
any news on the endurance results?
I think we are all asking the same question! I hear results are posted on-site but they have not been posted online yet.
One thing is for sure, the weather definitely leveled the playing field for the afternoon session. Who knows what happened to GFR?
1. Stuttgart
2. Tallinn
3. Akron
1. Akron
2. Tallinn
3. Laval
Congrats to the usual suspects.
And special congratulations to Akron, I have followed (sometimes literally, racing on track!) that car since 2008 and they were consistently climbing to this.
Special congrats to VTech too, after all the trouble to get through the stickers, very strong endurance and autox.
Anyone have a picture of the full overall results?
Teams are posting their overall result on facebook, but nothing has been uploaded.
Pics from me walking around over 2 days....nice to be a spectator...
Top 10 design results?
Someone at the track able to quickly upload the results?
The previous post of endurance scores is incorrect. Michigan State came in 3rd place in endurance, 9th overall. Zips took first, Tallinn second in enduro.