To comment in reference to one of the smallest post-template cars ever made.
I think our driver seating is reclined to 28 degrees from the horizontal....
We spent several weeks working out visibility to make sure it would still be easy to drive. In fact, I've never had better visibility in one of our cars ever before.
I recorded something about 3 second flat on egress, so there's no issue there either.
I have seen the Shell eco cars and am amazed anyone fits in there.
Z, I completely agree with your input on this thread. Have you lost your mind???? You're being reasonable!
A two screen post from Z without someone being called an idiot. His normal insight and intelligence without the agitation. The medication must be starting to work :)
I definitely agree with the comments on fire safety. A difficult thing to regulate clearly. Need a proper separation between fuel and ignition sources. A start would be an exclusion zone around the fuel tank in which no electrics (except for pump wires) or exhaust could intrude. Do a similar thing for exhaust and oil reservoirs / catch cans. Or maybe some minimum insulation fire / protection between these objects.
At comps and testing I have seen the following:
- Oil fires from pressured engines (pressured crankcases pushing oil out of the rocker cover)
- Oil fires from leaking engines
- Brake fluid on fire
- Fuel systems on fire
- Carbon tub on fire
- Fires started from exhausts
- Fires started from electrics
It is very common to see vehicles with fuel sources incredibly close to exhausts with no heat protection. Couple that with a poorly attached exhaust manifold (leaking at the head) and ignition is a sure-fire thing.
It would probably be good to mandate non-composite components where they come close to exhausts. I know of composite suspension components failing from the heat of exhaust. Once you get even reasonably close to the glass transition temperature of the resin your load bearing capacity is massively reduced.