Hey Guys,
This is what happens when you use simulation properly,
A very recent ChassisSim user just took out the opening round of the European LeMans Series.
All the Best
Danny Nowlan
ChassisSim Technologies
Hey Guys,
I was dealing with a few FSAE students as well as veteran engineers this week. A few things came to light and the following might be useful,
It's one of my old racecar articles about the importance of doing hand calculations. I beg of each and everyone of you who views this post this week. Download the article, read it cover to cover and practice it. Hand calculations are the basis of engineering. It tells you what to look for and it builds up your instincts. It's also the ultimate BS detector. Unfortunately it is a dying art.
Enjoy guys.
All the Best
Danny Nowlan
ChassisSim Technologies
This back to basics was much needed, thanks Danny!
Hey Guys,
First things first - Harry you are very welcome. I'm glad you got a lot out of it because this is a skill that every practising engineer needs to master.
On another note the second ChassisSim newsletter is going out tomorrow. If you haven't already subscribed here is the link,
All the Best
Danny Nowlan
ChassisSim Technologies
Hey Guys,
I've just been getting a lot of questions over the last couple of weeks about circuit modelling. In particularly getting started and refining the results. The following should be a great help,
All the Best
Danny Nowlan
ChassisSim Technologies
Hey Guys,
On the the 4th of June 2014 we ran a joint webinar with Altair about vehicle simulation. We discussed tyre modelling and Altair discussed their Motion Solve software using the F-tire plugin. Here's the link for the recording,
I certainly got a lot out of it and I reckon you'll get something out of it too.
Danny Nowlan
ChassisSim Technologies
Hey Guys,
Sorry for the lack of content recently. I was in Europe speaking at a conference and chasing up a few loose ends.
I'll be speaking about what I got up to in Europe later. However just taking the pulse of the forum it looks as though the whole theme of tyre test rig results and quantifying tyre performance has raised it's head. The link below is an oldie but a goodie. This is the game plan from deriving tyre models from race data,
Many senior members of the ChassisSim community use this as their go to reference when they are faced with a tyre they have never seen before and have achieved good repeatable results for their vehicle simulations. Given the current discussions I have seen I reckon everyone will get a lot out of this. It's long but bare with it. The results are worth it.
All the Best
Danny Nowlan
ChassisSim Technologies
Hey Guys,
Sorry for being off the radar screen. I've been fighting of the flu that has been circulating my part of the world.
A couple of big ticket items that are coming up.
Firstly Altair and ChassisSim are running a ChassisSim training session on Tuesday the 29th of July 2014. You can find more information here,
Secondly and the big news is the ChassisSim simulation bootcamp is on for 2014. It will be hosted in Cologne Germany on Wednesday the 12th of November 2014. More details can be found here,
These are going to be great hands on opportunities to learn about ChassisSim. In particular the bootcamp always books out so book in early to avoid disappointment.
Enjoy Guys
Danny Nowlan
ChassisSim Technologies
Hey Guys,
Usually in this forum I share tidbits of vehicle dynamics knowledge. However I know many of you reading this forum are young engineers. A good friend of mine sent me this,
Admiral Hyman G Rickover is acknowledged as the father of the US Nuclear Navy. Regardless of what you think of nuclear power and the military as all of you work through your designs and projects, and as you move on to your professional lives you'll be responsible for projects of all shapes and sizes. I trust the following will give you some good food for thought.
All the Best
Danny Nowlan
ChassisSim Technologies
Hey Guys,
Just to give our North American friends the heads up ChassisSim is exhibiting at PRI,
Also we are running the Lap Time Simulation 101 Seminar at PRI as well. In addition to covering the basics of lap time simulation we have some special things planned. However I'll keep you informed closer to the date.
Anyway for those of you based in North America I'm looking forward to seeing you all there.
All the Best
Danny Nowlan
ChassisSim Technologies