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It's not 'I don't want to' it's more like 'I have to drop 20 dBC and triple the size of my muffler and reduce idle misfire and ... and ... and .. because of a drastic change in the noise limit well after the design of the 2015 powertrain has begun because the rules came out so late. We are supposed to be building racing cars 'for a weekend autocrosser', yet we're well under the noise standards of major racing series, and even under street car or off-road vehicle standards.
I think it's reasonable to ask the RC why they felt an idle noise limit is required, how they determined 100 dBC was adequate, and how they determined 110 dBC was adequate as well. Unfortunately, there's really no way to question a rule or email the RC directly.
Since they obviously studied the noise of cars in 2014 and 2013 in both dBA and dBC, they thought through the issue, they warned us about switching from dBA to dBC, we thought they would adequately study the change based on the data they took, and they ended up with seemingly random numbers and an idle noise limit out of the blue.
Usually street noise limits are set by hearing damage to nearby property, and the noise limits are evaluated for their hearing damage potential at the distance from the vehicles that people are.
At both US FSAE event venues, the Formula SAE vehicles are the quietest vehicles that the track will see. Lincoln is an active airport, with planes taking off just past the competition boundary, so the FSAE noise is almost a drop in the bucket at some times to aircraft noise.