Formula Student India
Hello all,
I am Soumya Kanti Bose. I was the convener for 'Delta Shootout 2014', a BAJA competition which was held between 24-26th Jan,2014 in Jamshedpur, India. Claude Rouelle, Steve Fox & Pat Clarke were present at the event as advisors and they also mentored us since September 2013 to organise this event.
This event was just a 'shakedown' for us ( Indian Alumnis of FS/Baja competitions) to assess where we stand to organise a event on our own. There has been thousands of emails and forum posts for a long time regarding the need of a proper event in India. An event which is safe, open and fair for all participants and where the focus is on engineering education, not wheel-to-wheel racing or job placements. This discussion was fuelled after Claude's exclusion from Buddh International Circuit in September 2012, during a event which is supposed to be the Indian edition of FSAE/Formula Student.
Claude, Steve & Pat have tried a lot to improve the situation and help out the Indian students, however, they can only help till a certain point. It is upto us ( the Indian student community). For sure we have experienced a lot of things in events organised by a certain organisation in India since 2007 and we did moan about it. However, did we act on it?
There have been instances where the alumni of certain competitions were not happy and they went on to host their own competition. A competition which is 'by the students, for the students'. To improve the Indian scenario we needed something like that.
The point that there are 12 registered teams in India in FSG triggered a discussion regarding whether there should be an Indian event for the new teams to compete at first or not?
I am not going to comment on whether these teams can be any good or not, however, the fact that they beat much more experienced teams in the selection process which has been accepted as fair and square by the whole FS community all across the world, shows that these teams were atleast better in that area. The fact is these 12 teams represent a miniscule part of the student community in India who are involved in FS/FSAE/BAJA.
There are 327 known teams in BAJA and 174 Supra ( Indian edition of FSAE - albeit very different ) teams all across India.
Are all these teams good? NO
Correct me if am wrong gentlemen ( and ladies) the spirit of FS/FSAE/BAJA competitions is to help young engineers learn. Is it not?
We cannot say that just because a team does not know their polar moment of inertia or Drag/lift co-efficient they cannot come and compete. If we do not help them in learning then why we are doing this? Sure we all love to see a good car and a team of brilliant engineers, but all teams are not equal , neither are all team members.
There were 12 cars at 'Delta Shootout 2014'. Some of the cars were REAL bad. It was evident that the teams did not read the rulebook AT ALL. However, the tech inspectors ( most of them were alumnis from FS/BAJA competitions all over the world) did not have an approach of " Your car is non-compliant- you are not going to run". The tech inspectors talked to the teams and made them realise that what they have done is wrong and not acceptable. No plea bargain is going to get them through.
The TI team also helped the teams with their assessments on the situation and how the car can be made scrutiny legal. The TI process went on for 3 days and inspectors were working for 18-20 hours DAILY. At last 8 cars made it through TI. 2 cars were disqualified due to violation of safety rules and 2 cars failed tech scrutiny. Ofcourse the level of the cars were quite disappointing , but the students were made to realise that they need to stick to the rules.
For people outside India who are reading this, you must be thinking that 'following the rules' is a given. It is, however, since 2007 the Indian students have been shown otherwise. Rules are violated and prizes are awarded without any results classification. That was ( and still is) the practice.
However, now we have proved that it is possible to hold a event "for the students by the students'.
Now, the alumni are working together to make 'Formula Student India' happen. The tentative competition dates are 3rd weekend of January, 2015.
We will accept 32 entries based on a rules quiz and there will be 5 reserved spots for team which have won any FSAE/FS or similar competition in the year of 2014.
All information related to the competition can be found on www.formulastudent.in starting from 23rd March,2014.
We are looking for volunteers from among the Indian alumni/ Industry professionals to help us run this event.
Great initiative !
The corrupt SAE India has destroyed the educational scene in India instead of improving it. Its sad to see teams who get their entire vehicle fabricated from outside win events at SAE competitions. I am looking forward to take part in your event :) Please don't hesitate to contact me, if you need any help in Chennai.
Please guys have the courtesy to introduce your self. Your name, which university you are in or from. At least put in in your profile and/or your post signature
Finally a great opportunity for all those teams who aspired to participate in a proper Formula Student event. Thankyou for letting us know!
No offense Mr. Claude, but a username can also be used as an alias. Not everyone wants to reveal their identity on the internet, well atleast not me. Since you had compelled me to introduce, I had done that already. But please do not expect everyone to do the same. :)
Silverbolt, Oh come on! This forum is not different than a face to face conversation only that it allows to reduce the distance. Would you come to a real meeting / conversation with a mask? Yes, you have the freedom do use an alias but do not expect the same level of help. What do you have to hide? Introducing your self is just a matter of fairness.
Silverbolt & Triton
Claude is correct. It is great to see that you are interested in our initiative. However, it is helpful to know who are interested ( Name, Place, Name of uni/college etc).
So if you could introduce yourself that would be nice. We do need volunteers to help us run the show. So until and unless we know who we are talking to it is difficult for us.
Also, if you have any suggestions that YOU feel the education experience for the students, please share with us. Rest assured, all reasonable suggestions will be taken into account.
Hi Soumya,
First of all I would like to thank you for taking up this great initiative. Secondly, is the venue decided? I would love to help out if I can. Also have you guys been in contact with teams regarding this? Considering that the competition is early next year the teams should have started working on their cars already. Apart from some the teams going international, are there other teams working towards this competition and its rule set?
@Claude and Soumya: I'm not very comfortable with disclosing my identity on the internet. I have PM'd you an introduction as you were interested in getting to know me.
To respond to your questions:
1. The venue has not been finalised yet. We have 2-3 probable sites to hold the competition. We are in the process of finalising the safety requirements ( sufficient run-off area, no poles/trees next to track, condition of surface, available area for pits/event control room/service park/static event area etc). The event venue will be finalised within March/ early April based on meeting safety criteria & other requirements. We WILL NOT be holding the event on any race track or allowing the students to go wheel-to-wheel racing.
2. We appreciate your interest to help us. We do need volunteers ( especially among the student community). Please write to us on contact@deltainc.net.in if you want to volunteer for the events in 2015.
3. The alumni group is working together to form the rules, operational procedure, PR, sponsorship and other things to make the event a successful one ( even more successful than 'Delta Shootout 2014'). There are multiple teams who know of this competition. We made the announcement regarding 'Formula Student India' during prize distribution ceremony of 'Delta Shootout 2014' and the logo was unveiled on the last day of 'Delta Training Seminar' - a 5 day training seminar taught by Pat Clarke, Steve Fox & Claude Rouelle in Kolkata.
The formal press launch will be held by end of Mrach,2014.
We are also planning to hold citywise informal meets with the teams related to this via our Alumni group. We will be sending out emails regarding that shortly.
3. 'Formula Student India 2015' shall take place under full compliance to 2014 FSAE rules. This event will not be the first FS event for 2015 calendar year. This event will be the last event under 2014 rules. Same process will be repeated over the coming years. Hence, teams who go to International competitions can bring their 2014 car.
This presents them with a golden opportunity to test some more and troubleshoot teething problems of the 2014 car before they proceed to finish the build/testing of their 2015 car for International competitions. Claude has already pointed out WHY testing is so important in 'Teams from India' thread on page 56 & 57.
Also, the teams who go to international events can use 'Formula Student India' as a training ground for their new recruits. Have them trained directly at a real FS competition where the focus is on education of students in engineering design. Not on wheel-to-wheel racing or placement promises.
We look forward to particiaption of Manipal at the event. Some of the other international teams has already confirmed their participation. This is already on their calendar.
I have received your PM and I will contact you shortly. We plan to hold a meet for local teams in your city in April. An informal event where the alumni will meet the students and we will listen to your concerns/problems/suggestions related to 'Formula Student India'.
If you feel you/your team would be interested to host this (Please note this is an informal event & requires just one room in your college for couple of hours), please let us know.