View Full Version : RollingCamel: What's going on in Egypt
Mike Cook
01-28-2011, 04:31 PM
Stay Safe. I don't think you guys have internet right now from what I heard. So you probably won't see this. Good luck.
01-28-2011, 06:13 PM
Was thinking about making this very thread myself but this morning I saw on tv that internet is being blocked there. Reminds me of the protests in Iran; hopefully it will not be as deadly or in vain. This thread should be moved to off topic, but of course whats happening in Egypt is far and beyond more important than forum organization. I too was particularly interested in RollingCamel's thoughts being that I feel we have somewhat come to know him, if only very slightly.
Nick Renold
02-04-2011, 01:33 AM
I heard the internet has been partially restored in Egypt. I hope all is OK with RollingCamel and their university.
02-05-2011, 09:42 AM
Hello guys,
I was just going to post, although we had internet access for a couple of days. This is one wacky new year for us.
To be fair, the whole thing really started more than a year ago after Mohammed El-Baradei left his position in the nuclear agency. Egyptians looked at him as a candidate for change and his popularity skyrocketed. He refused joining any political party and argued that the constitution needs to be changed to allow free elections and the ppl must call this change themselves. Youth joined his call and gathered nearly 1 million signatures in order to do so. In time it started to fade and ppl forgot about it.
Then the blatant fraud elections of the "People's Council" in which the National Democratic ruling party won nearly 480 seats and left only 20 for the opposition that is after the president promised "free elections".
Alexandria blast and ppl's fury happened and then came Tunisia uprise. We have never thought that the citizens can have such power especially against brutal regimes. And it was the spark which caused free non-political youth to coordinate on the facebook and make the 25th of January, the Police Holiday, their mark for mass peaceful protests.
The government downplayed the coming protests and called it children play. On the 25th a couple of thousands gathered at Tahrir square peacefully determined to change the regime, however it was met with force and was broken up after midnight.
After seeing such response the ppl decided for nation wide mass protests and called it "Friday of Anger". There was no political response from the regime and ,furthermore, they blocked Twitter followed by blocking the internet and then stopping mobile phone services on Friday morning.
After Friday prayers the protesters started marching from mosques and the one I was in we tried to maintain it peaceful, although some youth wanted to clash and did at one part but we left them and continued. We passed several security forces without coming near each other but after several hours of walking we found the city center at chaos with heavy clashes and buildings burning. We continued and stopped at the gathering area until the army came and welcomed by the protesters. Afterwards, it turned out that half a million protested in Alexandria. I forgot to mention that since the 25th heavy clashes with live ammunition was happening in Suez city.
The following Saturday the ppl was surprised by attacks organized by unknown ppl and then decided to defend their neighborhoods by themselves and attacks rates lowered and it was actually more peaceful than normal life because we didn't have police patrolling and providing security. The police was seen as brute forces for regime to stop the opposition and therefor all the Police assets were attacked and the ruling party's too.
The reply for demands was extremely slow and not enough and without someone to represent the free protesters along with media push by the government distracted ppl until Wednesday when organized violent ppl attacked the protesters in Tahrir square using weapons, Molotov and even horses and camels without real interference from the army.
The ppl are now split whether Mubarak stays until the elections, he said that he will not be a candidate for re-election. However, the current protesters don't trust him or the regime without any guarantees.
Personally, after they stopped the internet and my Anime downloads , Mubarak had to go...(j/k)
02-05-2011, 09:49 AM
PS. With all due respect to all forum members. To the leaders of America, Iran, Israel and Europe...just STFU! F* off, you are not helping you hypocrites.
My apologies again.
Poor quality camera phone photo and video album will follow.
02-05-2011, 09:51 AM (
Mike Cook
02-05-2011, 07:04 PM
Glad to hear you are alright. Keep fighting the good fight...
02-06-2011, 07:13 AM
Thanks for your support. Life is returning to normal but the peaceful protests is on and we are still debating on the constitution.
02-07-2011, 09:33 AM
Glad to hear things are improving, hopefully things fully stabilize and improve.
scotty young Taylor Race
02-07-2011, 12:06 PM
Hang in there got allot support on this end...
02-07-2011, 12:16 PM
As much as it a political change it is more a change of the Egyptian nation. No more fear and no more negativity, this our future...our call.
I've ranted a good deal and many others like me of wanting to contribute but can't, but we all feel it is no more. We now believe that our future is now in our hands and our work and effort can contribute for the nation without corrupt old men stealing it.
I'm more willing than ever to continue living in Egypt and contribute through my job, helping ppl and engage in our politics.
The battle against the regime is not over yet, but Egypt has changed and for the 1st time I can say I'm proud to be Egyptian.
02-07-2011, 02:41 PM
Mohammed Monier - Ezzay (How come?)
The music video neatly covers what happened.
02-08-2011, 02:02 PM
ABC's interview with vice president Omar Suleiman.
02-10-2011, 08:19 AM
Something critical will happen soon by the army. Stay tuned.
02-10-2011, 01:20 PM
Damn it! That stupid and stubborn man.
It will escalate! No Mubarak or Suleiman will do it. And really Obama! You stupid failure of a politician just STFU!
02-10-2011, 01:21 PM
I just watched President Mubarak's TV speech live (as good is it gets with a simultaneous translator) and as he is not really saying anything new, it seems like Egypt is in for more days/weeks of demonstrations.
But you are right in saying that the US and Europe should not interfere with the current revolution. This change should be about Egypt and Egypt alone. If the USA get their way, they will just replace Mubarak by their next best criminal friend (like VP Suleiman).
All I can say to the Egyptian people is to keep fighting, and to make sure that the people are the ones who end up to be in charge, not the army and their friends.
By the way, interesting to see that one of the most Twittered words at the moment is "Ceausescu". We all know how he ended up...
(and for those who don't - he was publicly executed on Christmas 1989, just 4 days after his last speech as the leader of communist Romania where he promised some financial "gifts" to the people who where demanding that he would leave)
02-10-2011, 01:54 PM
Really the ABC interview with Omar Suleiman has killed any hope for communicating. He has no political sense at all.
And the refusal for taking responsibility and 'refusing foreign pressure' denial that the ppl are calling for the changes with no care what about the foreign powers say.
Damn Israel, is more consistent and doing a much better job than the US. Their leaders are terrified cause the end result will make it tougher for them to get by with all what they do. We want peace but from both sides.
Egypt will become more like Turkey, however it has nothing to do with the brotherhood. Our national interests will be top priority again.
02-10-2011, 02:54 PM
I'm not gonna lie... I could really care less what happens in Egypt, and I wish our country would also just leave it alone (like we should have done many times in the past).
I do however wish you guys good luck over there with your fight.
02-10-2011, 03:04 PM
We couldn't care less too about anybody's opinion. However, the problem is that the regime uses 'Egypt's external image', 'Foreign elements' and 'We don't accept foreign pressure' B$ as excuses.
The army is going to publish it's second official comments soon.
02-10-2011, 06:24 PM
Can anyone from the US verify the rumor that American warships were sent to Egypt?
02-11-2011, 01:43 AM
I am not from the US, but german news agencies are reporting this as well.
They talk about 800 Marines, some warships and even a carrier, but only to secure the evacuation of american citizens.
02-11-2011, 08:18 AM
Mubarak is DONE!!
02-11-2011, 08:36 AM
I had not heard anything about our military moving in or anything, but they have been reporting all morning about the stepped up protests. Apparently they worked since he finally stepped down! I haven't had a chance to read much about him stepping down, but any idea on who will take over until you guys can organize elections?
You guys are getting support from all sides over here. Because of that I wouldn't worry about our military too much.
02-11-2011, 09:38 AM
The time for real work and building just started.
02-11-2011, 12:43 PM
Hosny Dumpty sat on a wall....Hosny Dumpty had a great fall.
The AFX Master
02-12-2011, 12:27 PM
RollingCamel congrats pal!!!
As a matter of fact, I feel happy and jealous for you and all your people there in Egypt.
We have a similar moron here at home, destroying everything 24/7 since 1998.. What are your plans with Mubarak?, That guy deserves a trial on The Hague and to get canned for the rest of his life.
We´ll try to send ours near him, so them wont feel a little bit alone until 2050.
02-12-2011, 03:23 PM
Isn't Venezuela's condition a bit more complex?
02-12-2011, 10:10 PM
When it comes to news, the US is just about worthless.
Most world citizens hear more about US activities than US citizens do - and not just because of ignorance, but because our media outlets are rubbish.
02-13-2011, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by RollingCamel:
Can anyone from the US verify the rumor that American warships were sent to Egypt?
Yes, not widely reported here but there was a Marine ship sent to the Red Sea on Feb 4. It was somewhere in the middle east already and not fully staffed, had about 700 troops aboard.
Official reason was to evacuate US citizens if it became necessary. Which I guess makes sense why it wasn't full of troops.
There was also an aircraft carrier on it's way to Afghanistan that held position in the Mediterranean for a few extra days while the protests were continuing. (
02-13-2011, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by RollingCamel:
Can anyone from the US verify the rumor that American warships were sent to Egypt?
Yes, not widely reported here but there was a Marine ship sent to the Red Sea on Feb 4. It was somewhere in the middle east already and not fully staffed, had about 700 troops aboard.
Official reason was to evacuate US citizens if it became necessary. Which I guess makes sense why it wasn't full of troops.
There was also an aircraft carrier on it's way to Afghanistan that held position in the Mediterranean for a few extra days while the protests were continuing.
(Link will be posted after it gets approved)
Michael Royce
02-14-2011, 01:16 PM
In general I would agree with you about the majority of the US press. However, in this household we get our TV news from BBC America and radio news from NPR (National Public Radio), both covered the events in Egypt extensively. Even our "local" paper, the Detroit Free Press, did a reasonable job of including it in their World News. Most areas of the country can get NPR, but you will probably have to have a premium cable channel to get BBC America (which also has Top Gear - UK version!)
Rolling Camel, good luck. You and all the people in Egypt have a real challenge. Things seem to be moving in the right direction at the moment.
02-20-2011, 05:33 AM
Respect for the Libyan ppl. Gadhafi gone mad!
Lorenzo Pessa
02-20-2011, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by RollingCamel:
Respect for the Libyan ppl. Gadhafi gone mad!
You are talking about the man who taught Bunga Bunga to Berlusconi.
I had "some" suspect he was mad also before he came twice in official visits in Italy where he rent a hundred of good looking girls (more than 1.70 m tall) to give a class of Islamic religion.
I have nothing against Islamic religion.
I have something against this kind of leaders (not only Islamic!).
02-21-2011, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by Michael Royce:
In general I would agree with you about the majority of the US press. However, in this household we get our TV news from BBC America and radio news from NPR (National Public Radio), both covered the events in Egypt extensively. Even our "local" paper, the Detroit Free Press, did a reasonable job of including it in their World News. Most areas of the country can get NPR, but you will probably have to have a premium cable channel to get BBC America (which also has Top Gear - UK version!)
Rolling Camel, good luck. You and all the people in Egypt have a real challenge. Things seem to be moving in the right direction at the moment.
BBCA is usually the only channel I ever watch. Between Top Gear, The Next Generation reruns, and BBC World News, there's never really a reason to change the channel.
02-21-2011, 08:44 AM
I had "some" suspect he was mad also before he came twice in official visits in Italy where he rent a hundred of good looking girls (more than 1.70 m tall) to give a class of Islamic religion.
You are right about that. He always had lots of stupid a look at his "holy" Green Book..
One of his wise quotes: "Women have the right to vote, whether male or female.."
And what's up with Berlusconi? Some really stupid statements on his part too. Isn't he a corrupt bastard too?
02-21-2011, 08:45 AM
Originally posted by Wesley:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Michael Royce:
In general I would agree with you about the majority of the US press. However, in this household we get our TV news from BBC America and radio news from NPR (National Public Radio), both covered the events in Egypt extensively. Even our "local" paper, the Detroit Free Press, did a reasonable job of including it in their World News. Most areas of the country can get NPR, but you will probably have to have a premium cable channel to get BBC America (which also has Top Gear - UK version!)
Rolling Camel, good luck. You and all the people in Egypt have a real challenge. Things seem to be moving in the right direction at the moment.
BBCA is usually the only channel I ever watch. Between Top Gear, The Next Generation reruns, and BBC World News, there's never really a reason to change the channel. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Beside the BBC, Al-Jazeera International (not Arabic) is very good. Ah well, most who run it are from the BBC..
Lorenzo Pessa
02-21-2011, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by RollingCamel:
Isn't he a corrupt bastard too?
More than that and it is really difficult to piss him off.
On 23 december 2010 Berlusconi said "I'm linked with a friendship with Moubarak, with Gaddhafi and with Ben Alė. I want to stimulate these countries to develop democracy"
You can read it as a lack of foresight or he bring bad luck.
Now I fell sorry that Italian people were not able to have a government able to substain his role as the middle of Mediterranean Sea, the link or the gate of Africa and Europe. At now Italy is the only European country that not officially condemn the violence in Lybia.
Thousands of people from Tunisia are putting their lives at risk in the sea to get to italian coasts. In the Lampedusa Island there is something similar to an humanitarian emergency and the government is focused on making laws to block Berlusconi's trials.
What I express here are personal opinions.
02-21-2011, 10:16 PM
May God help the Libyans. They are bombarded by aerial strikes and artillery. The Egyptian ppl from Alexandria are readying medical supplies to be sent to the Libyans.
I wish we can help them more, but the Libyan ppl must deal with their problems themselves. Just if they can send information and media through Egypt since all the services have been cut even the land lines.
03-02-2011, 09:38 AM
Libya is proving a tough problem. The Libyans at Benghazi have started organizing themselves under anti-Ghadaffi military officers in order to start some organized militant attacks. Libya is is huge with few ppl.
Another thing, as stupid and corrupt as he is it is astonishing how deep Europe went into deals with him in the past.
03-04-2011, 01:44 PM
Urgent from Alexandria: Protesters and Army have attacked Internal Security building in Alexandria after they opened fire on ppl and found huge amounts of shredded and burnt documents. Commandos are now attacking the 2nd floor to get hold of the building.
05-20-2011, 12:40 AM
27th of May, the 2nd Egyptian revolution.
Correcting the course and getting rid of the regime.
Tom W
05-20-2011, 02:32 AM
Good luck!
05-21-2011, 10:48 PM
Ditto, hope it works out!
05-22-2011, 01:26 AM
While we have passed a long shot, still the courts are too slow and letting some pass through loopholes created by the regime to protect them from getting judged.
The trials are based on financial corruption, at least what they started with, but the people wants them to be judged on political corruption 1st because it is the main issue and then everything else follows.
The culture minister for 30 years who was selling his stupid paintings for thousands based using his position got free. Nothing was said about reevaluating his drawings and see if it was worth it, not to mention that there should be a law to disable public service workers to gifts and income using their position.
Check the following video , starts with well known paints to his which was sold for hundreds of thousands by business men.
W W W youtube dot COM /watch?v=l2oEURFZRrI
Suzan Mubarak's case got dropped after she returned 24M EGP and a villa, other than she definitely have more, she should be judged on acquiring all her fortune illegally.
The ruling Army's council has been judging activists and normal ppl in front of military courts after the clashes between protesters and the army in 9 March and in front of the Israel's embassy and letting the corrupt be judged in civil courts.
Also, the council has no transparency in decision making and doesn't discuss it with the political powers and different think tanks, and it shows.
Security has been pathetic and the interior ministry leaderships still has some corrupt elements and are causing and letting disturbances occur such as what happened to the churches.
The people are displeased and are afraid on the revolution. One week the media screams about the financial situation and that ppl are not working just protesting. Everyone is working and no one knows anybody protesting all day and night. We only protest on Fridays when their is a need to. Then the security problem which somehow want to make the protesters responsible about it. Then there are the leaks that Mubarak wants to be pardoned if he returns the money! Furthermore, the oversensitive monarchies in the Arab world
bis pressuring not to judge him and are panicing because to them the rulers are above law and shouldn't be impeached whatsoever.
The Arabian Gulf Council have became a royalty club after joining Morocco and Jordan. Expect some cold relations between the Republics and Monarchies.
Anyways, thank God what we are in now , unlike what is happening in Syria. Like father like son, a butcher and a butcher.
05-22-2011, 11:16 PM
BTW, about university presidents and deans, they are all going to be changed and removed. They are appointed by the interior ministry and thats why it was corrupt and hopeless to deal with.
The dean of media and journalism college of Cairo university had plenty of protests against him and the problem escalated that military police attacked the students and doctors, detained some and the dean have issued disciplinary punishments to the doctors and many students were targeted and booted out of college.
It was a major problem until now and damn there are some ppl much harder to remove than Mubarak.
Girl you have a Mubarak! (An ass that don't quit)
10-22-2011, 04:34 PM
Ghaddafi's death is giving a big boost of hope to Syrians and Yemenis....also means that the regimes will get more desperate and more bloodshed. Already more than 20 killed in both countries.
11-24-2011, 06:21 AM
Hi RollingCamel,
The situation in Egypt seems to have deteriorated again. I hope you are fine. The protesters over there are showing a lot of courage. I hope Egypt gets a truly democratic government.
By the way, I don't know if you are aware of this, but India has also been host to (non violent) protests against corrupt politicians during the course of the year. Although this hasn't achieved anything significant, we have managed to publicize the movement a lot. Today, a youth attacked the Union Agriculture Minister of India who is one of the most corrupt politicians in our country.The state of agriculture has become very very bad under his rule. Farmers are slipping deeper and deeper into poverty and are many of them are committing suicide unable to pay off their debts. He is also alleged to get kickbacks from industries and real estate companies in exchange for land allotments.
Below is the link to the video of him being slapped. I encourage you to spread this video as much as possible since this is the only way corrupt politicians will listen to the demands of the "99%". Some people are of the opinion that restraint must be shown, but such people deserve this kind of treatment.
06-18-2012, 01:21 AM
Dr. Mohammad Morsy Egypt's 1st elected civil president. The fight continues against military dictatorship.
They just removed the elected parliament and transferred all effective power to the head of SCAF and issued crazy anti-riot laws.
06-18-2012, 01:55 AM ( (
Drew Price
07-05-2013, 07:44 AM
Bump for current events. Morsi was ousted by the military yesterday, and there are reports (here at least) that Pro-Morsi protestors were fired upon during demonstrations, and are fighting with anti-Morsi activists. Also heard that Muslim Brotherhood officials are being arrested or detained.
Stay safe guys.
M. Nader
09-14-2013, 02:05 PM
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