View Full Version : How much funding did you receive?

06-12-2009, 06:32 PM
As a first year team, we struggled to raise enough money for Lakehead's car this year. Many people were surprised and asked us how other universities are funded - we weren't sure, and if you don't mind telling us, we'd love to hear how all the other universities operate.

How much funding do you receive from your university?

How much sponsorship money do you receive from sponsorships?

How much did your team have to pay out of their own pockets?

Brian S
06-12-2009, 09:10 PM
Finding funding can defiantly be interesting, especially for a starting team with nothing to show off.

This year we got $1000 from the College of Engineering, and thats about it. In the past we have received between $4000 and $7000 from the ME department, but this year they said their support of us was "finding sponsors and shop access"

We have been successful with sending letters to ME alumni explaining what FSAE is and asking for donations. The bunk of the donations were under $100, but it does add up. We have been luck enough to have one alumni give us $3500 a year and another sponsor give us $3500 for general use and an additional $3500 for tools and shop equipment each year.

At least here the College has an office who's job is to find money. Talk to those people, they are extremely helpful. They know who to talk to and what to ask.

I don't want to think about how much I have spent out of pocket. Normally its small things, but $10-$20 from Ace every weekend adds up fast.

06-14-2009, 06:21 AM

But access to an autoclave and some goodwill gifts