View Full Version : Frame design

10-18-2012, 08:05 AM

I'm a french student from ISAT Formula Team. I'm the student who have to design the frame of our TASIA 13. I have designed some wire frame profiles.

But with the team, we have some doubts: we don't really know if it abide by the rule. That's why I want ti show you our frame by the forum, to have an answer. This profile is particular because this year, we must not move the liaison points (crosses in red on the draw) for the shock absorbers and triangles (of wheels): this is why the front (in yellow) is so high... It's because last year, the steering rack was placed under the frame. This year we decide to reduce the bulkhead in turquoise, I have cancelled a tube from the front to the bulkhead, I the let the top black tubes, but does it abide the rules? Then, do you think that the rear triangulation is correct with the inclined main (in yellow):


Tell me if you need more photos.

Thanks for your help every body and sorry for my bad english ^^.

See you soon

10-18-2012, 11:32 AM
I don't believe there is anything wrong with your design, but it might be helpful to color the tubes uniformly by their tubing size. That is a good way to be able to tell if the design meets the rules. The only things I see that may cause you a hard time with the Structural Equivalency Forms would be the possible need to put a tube from your main hoop to the white tube node directly below it, and maybe switch around some of your triangulating tubes in the front structure so that the loads transfer evenly node-to-node. Maybe making your rearward red triangulation tube going to the base of the front hoop from the forward node.

Just my brief observation.

10-19-2012, 03:18 AM
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-...edroitechassise.png/ (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/440/vuedroitechassise.png/)

I re post the photo because the link is broken on my first post. Thaks for your first answer. I think I will make the modifications. I will see with the other members off the team. Thanks you.

10-19-2012, 07:08 AM
I'd also say that it's possible that you will need an additional tube from the middle of the main hoop to the node of the white tubes. This would be definitely a good idea if it is possible with your packaging.

I also that the triangulation in the front isn't ideal. If you only look at the frame alone the easiest change would be to switch the rear red triangulation tube as Axel suggested. But I guess the short vertical red tube has something to do with your suspension/steering attachement. If so it might be easier to switch the front red triangulation tube in a way that it is connecting the top of the bulkhead and the connection of the green tubes at the bottom.

It's quite hard to tell without knowing your suspension and steering concept which essentially influence the packaging constraints. Also in a 2D picture is a bit hard to tell how some of the tubes are really going. One advise from me is to submit the SES as early as possible. There is no need to wait for the deadline. The earlier you submit the SES, the earlier you can expect a feedback, which makes it much easier if you have to change your design.

11-14-2012, 02:53 AM

I follow your advice and made the modifications. But as you said I have to submit the SES. So, do you know who can I send the SES at? (Which e-mail adress?) because in the different sites there is nothing about sending the SES...
Thanks in advance for your answer.

11-14-2012, 03:48 AM
That's different from competition to competition. Usually the organisers of an event upload a document were this information can be found. Also the deadlines for the SES are different at each competition.

At FS UK, FS Germany and FS Austria you don't have to send your documentation via E-Mail but with an upload tool on the websites of each competition. I don't have any information about other competitions.

11-14-2012, 03:57 AM
Ok !! We will compeet at FS UK and FSG so I will upload our SES so. Thanks for your answer.