View Full Version : You know what this site needs?

04-20-2008, 07:43 PM
A Wiki.

Their is so much helpful information here but alot of it is hard to find and sift through. If their was a wiki where anyone could add information then people could easily find helpful information.

04-20-2008, 07:43 PM
A Wiki.

Their is so much helpful information here but alot of it is hard to find and sift through. If their was a wiki where anyone could add information then people could easily find helpful information.

04-20-2008, 08:59 PM
I would agree, but I also think doing research requires sifting through less useful material while looking for the golden bits. The search function also helps narrow it down a lot as well.

Chris from Berkeley gave me some good advice as well: Start from the oldest threads and work newer. Some of the original posts have some great info compared to some of the recent stuff. Just because an FSAE post is from 2003 doesn't mean it's outdated. We're still looking at Carroll Smith's books arent we? And those were were written in the 70's.

I think a wiki would be an amazing resource, though. To the point where I would probably feel guilty using it.

Drew Price
04-20-2008, 10:03 PM
I have trouble believing that a wiki is any different, or more usable, than this forum format. It has an advantage over a wiki which can be 'edited' - old information is not removed. It is already searcheable.

Most of the 'Ah-HA!' moments that I have are when I discover other information related to what I was originally looking for during the sifting. I absorb and file away other things I discover in the process.

Pennyman: Completely agree with you about reading through the old info though. Makes me want to track down some of the old prominent members to pick their brains.

My $0.02.


12-21-2013, 01:06 PM
FSAE.com is so big that it can be hard to search, the gems are often buried. Found this old thread where Prohet][ suggests a full blown wiki -- but this takes some effort to set up. As far as I can tell no FSAE/FS tech wiki has been started(?)

The sticky threads here are a good effort (thanks moderators!), but adding more would really clutter up the forum.

How about a wiki of pointers--with links into the best threads on fsae.com? It could be as simple as adding links to the See Also (or any other) section at the bottom of the Wikipedia page,
I added a couple just now--comments welcome, reorganize if you have a better idea.

12-21-2013, 03:58 PM
Wow, blast from the past right there....

Agreed Doug, thanks for the ongoing help.