View Full Version : Shock Question for Yukon lift

03-18-2005, 05:36 AM
Hey all, a buddy of mine broke a stabilizer shock on an independent front suspension shock on his '99 Yukon that already has a 4 inch lift...and we're unable to track down a replacement. The shock shows a model number, but no make...I think it may be a rancho but not sure. I was wondering if anyone knows the best way to track down what kind of replacement it may need. The lift was on there when he got it, so I'm not sure who did it in the first place, but everything looks pretty old. All parts stores (and off-road stores) show something smaller than needed, so I'm wondering if anyone has any bright ideas on how I may find the right one... Any advice would be greatly appreciated, as I am somewhat inexperienced with lift kits. Thanks in advance.

Jay Fleming
03-19-2005, 11:17 PM
Hey Austen, with a 4" lift, and I'm assuming 33" tires, he won't need much of a stabilizer unless he does some serious off roading. They make univsersal ones, or you may track down a new one from like a new Ford F-250 or bigger or about a 99 Dodge 1500 4x4. My old dodge had one from the factory. Any way you go, they should be pretty cheap.

You might try this address. One of the parts listed should help.

4 wheel parts (http://www.4wheelparts.com/4wp/products/productLine.asp?cat=SUS&prodline=1472&catName=Suspension&man=PRO&parentProdline=SusAccPRO&expand=sub7)

03-20-2005, 06:22 PM
Thanks Jay, I found out the problem was the bolting(rather than size)...everything he'd been shown or given, both ends had the same direction bolting (with the bolt being inserted perpendicular to the shock), whereas he needs the shaft end (away from the shock) to bolt on directly to the end of the shaft. Thanks for the site though.