View Full Version : List of sources for salisbury differential internals

07-08-2008, 09:40 AM
I've spent hours looking at exploded views of differentials for ATV's on Bikebandit.com, but I havent been able to see any that look like a Salisbury. I've heard the Honda Foreman has one, but from the exploded views, I am not convinced. Does anybody know which ATVs have Salisburys? As an alternative source, I understand older BMWs have suitable internals as well.

07-08-2008, 09:40 AM
I've spent hours looking at exploded views of differentials for ATV's on Bikebandit.com, but I havent been able to see any that look like a Salisbury. I've heard the Honda Foreman has one, but from the exploded views, I am not convinced. Does anybody know which ATVs have Salisburys? As an alternative source, I understand older BMWs have suitable internals as well.

07-08-2008, 10:20 AM
The Honda Foreman is a clutch pack or cam & pawl, depending on which year you're talking about (at least up to about 2005, not sure between then and now).

You probably heard somebody say the Foreman has a Salisbury because people tend to confuse Salisbury and clutch packs.

I'm pretty sure that you have build the thing from scratch to do a Salisbury- I've looked a lot and never found any ATV that had one. Auburn built one in 2004, and I think they used the side gears & spider gears from a Foreman, but made their own ramps- that's probably the easiest way to do it.

07-08-2008, 11:52 AM
We used a salisbury from an ATV for the past 3 years. It's out there, but it's old. We make our own housing and ramps. In our experience, there are better solutions.

07-08-2008, 09:08 PM

The BMW differentials are an excellent source for salisbury parts. There are three sizes, of which the smallest would be well suited for FSAE application. Keep in mind, that on top of making a carrier, the stock preload system and ramp angles will have to be modified to have a prayer of working well for your application. Give these guys a call:

Bavarian Auto Recyclers
Rancho Cordovs, CA

You can pick up a good condition used diff from them for around $300-400 if memory serves me correctly. I ordered from them while I was at the Univ. of Akron in Ohio, and they were great to work with even across the country. I have a PDF with a bit of information about these diffs, which I would be happy to email you if you are interested.