View Full Version : Reasearch and development....yeah....we'll call it that.

07-06-2007, 02:17 PM
This thread is intended for fun ideas to be presented and carried out just for the fun of it/to mess around when you're hangin out with your friends. If anyone capable of getting you in trouble (aka po po) asks, just say you're conducting research and development. http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

I'll put the first one up. I'd do this if I still had the 'rolla. Get in an automatic beater, find a hill, and with the car off, but the key in the on position, and the tranny in neutral, start rolling down the hill. See at what speed you can inertailly start the car by shifting it into drive.

That's the R&D part, now here's the fun part.

Do the same thing, but this time pop it in reverse and see how the engine likes cramming air from the tailpipe into the intake manifold with the throttle closed. If it doesn't blow it right off the engine, you could probably get a lot of engine braking controlled by the throttle. Hell, do this last part with a stick shift if you want!

Have fun and post the results!

*Video tape if possible!

07-06-2007, 02:17 PM
This thread is intended for fun ideas to be presented and carried out just for the fun of it/to mess around when you're hangin out with your friends. If anyone capable of getting you in trouble (aka po po) asks, just say you're conducting research and development. http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

I'll put the first one up. I'd do this if I still had the 'rolla. Get in an automatic beater, find a hill, and with the car off, but the key in the on position, and the tranny in neutral, start rolling down the hill. See at what speed you can inertailly start the car by shifting it into drive.

That's the R&D part, now here's the fun part.

Do the same thing, but this time pop it in reverse and see how the engine likes cramming air from the tailpipe into the intake manifold with the throttle closed. If it doesn't blow it right off the engine, you could probably get a lot of engine braking controlled by the throttle. Hell, do this last part with a stick shift if you want!

Have fun and post the results!

*Video tape if possible!

07-07-2007, 12:49 PM
i did that once on the slope , must say was fun.

Jersey Tom
07-07-2007, 07:24 PM
Find the minimum alcohol content for which a shot will light on fire reliably. I had supposed for a long time that it was 100 proof, as Rumpleminze had worked well for me but some friends had trouble with 99 bananas (or one of those 99 ___ liquors). But then someone had told me they did it with plain ol vodka..

As a side note, no one ever told me you were supposed to blow out the shot before you drank it.. but it never caused me any harm.

08-01-2007, 01:02 AM
Sure, but what about your friend?
mmm, toasty (http://youtube.com/watch?v=4CEQicCXsTA)
lol! yes! (http://youtube.com/watch?v=JatFzpiH56I&mode=related&search=)

08-01-2007, 01:24 PM
Absolute, is that you in those videos????

08-12-2007, 04:32 PM
I'd imagine you'd have to be moving pretty fast to pump air backwards through the motor...stator vanes don't work that well backwards.