View Full Version : CAD gear transmission

Francesco Esposito
11-23-2010, 01:42 AM
Hi to all,

i'm new here and i need some help.
I'm searching for technical sheet of a cbr600 gear transmission, it's also useful a CAD model.

I've been searching for a long time inside this forum without results.

Thank you guys!!!

Francesco Esposito
11-23-2010, 01:42 AM
Hi to all,

i'm new here and i need some help.
I'm searching for technical sheet of a cbr600 gear transmission, it's also useful a CAD model.

I've been searching for a long time inside this forum without results.

Thank you guys!!!

Mikey Antonakakis
11-23-2010, 05:24 AM
What information do you need, and why do you need a CAD model?

Francesco Esposito
11-23-2010, 10:35 AM
First of all, thanks for you attention.

I need technical sheet (and if it's possible a CAD model) because we have to do some analysis with Kissoft and Ansys for some studies and to re-adapt gear ratios.
So i need measures of the entire transmission to create a CAD model for analysis.

I'm an italian student and i'm tryng (with my university-mates) to partecipate at Formula SAE initiative.

every kind of help is important for us :-)

Jay Lawrence
11-23-2010, 02:51 PM
If you have the resources, buy an engine/gearbox and have a good look at it. Then you will understand its operation much better than a drawing on a screen could tell you and will be able to measure everything up to create your own CAD model

11-29-2010, 06:17 PM
Not sure Honda is quite ready to part with the files you are looking for...

You can get a blown engine for pretty cheap though

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