View Full Version : Coswoeth Pi Research Data Guy Class

Rob Klyver
11-16-2009, 01:50 PM
Hi All
I have arranged for Cosworth Electronics (Pi Research) to present

Data Acquisition FEBRUARY 27 & 28, 2010
$595 per person (Limited to a maximum of TEN students)
ME/EE Students no prerequisites

Presented by

COSWORTH ELECTRONICS (http://www.cosworth.com/Default.aspx?id=1089645)

This two day course is an intensive combination of hands on and theory designed to introduce mechanics and engineers to professional level data acquisition.
Presented by Tom Remedios (http://www.linkedin.com/pub/tom-remedios/4/a42/48a) (click Tom's name for details about Tom)

This course will introduce the student to data acquisition software and hardware use in professional motorsports.

Students are required to bring a Windows based lap top.
Travel arrangements are here : ProRaceTech Location (http://www.proracetech.com/Location.html) Sonoma Area

To reserve a seat please visit: Professional Race Technician Training (http://www.vendio.com/stores/ProRaceTech )

In order to emphasize that Pi Research is a key part of the Cosworth Group of companies, Pi Research is changing its name to Cosworth Electronics.

Cosworth Electronics will continue to provide the high performance electronics that have delivered success to customers throughout a range of markets around the world. The brands of Pi Research, Pectel Control Systems and Performance Wiring Solutions will continue to be used on the range of data acquisition and analysis software, control systems and high performance wiring looms that are designed developed and manufactured by the company.

Or call me at 707-935-5833

Rob Klyver
11-16-2009, 01:50 PM
Hi All
I have arranged for Cosworth Electronics (Pi Research) to present

Data Acquisition FEBRUARY 27 & 28, 2010
$595 per person (Limited to a maximum of TEN students)
ME/EE Students no prerequisites

Presented by

COSWORTH ELECTRONICS (http://www.cosworth.com/Default.aspx?id=1089645)

This two day course is an intensive combination of hands on and theory designed to introduce mechanics and engineers to professional level data acquisition.
Presented by Tom Remedios (http://www.linkedin.com/pub/tom-remedios/4/a42/48a) (click Tom's name for details about Tom)

This course will introduce the student to data acquisition software and hardware use in professional motorsports.

Students are required to bring a Windows based lap top.
Travel arrangements are here : ProRaceTech Location (http://www.proracetech.com/Location.html) Sonoma Area

To reserve a seat please visit: Professional Race Technician Training (http://www.vendio.com/stores/ProRaceTech )

In order to emphasize that Pi Research is a key part of the Cosworth Group of companies, Pi Research is changing its name to Cosworth Electronics.

Cosworth Electronics will continue to provide the high performance electronics that have delivered success to customers throughout a range of markets around the world. The brands of Pi Research, Pectel Control Systems and Performance Wiring Solutions will continue to be used on the range of data acquisition and analysis software, control systems and high performance wiring looms that are designed developed and manufactured by the company.

Or call me at 707-935-5833