View Full Version : Meth injection on a turbo

03-21-2007, 07:47 AM
My buddy owns a tuning shop and has a sneaky fast legacy that he just put a big turbo on and the thing is fast as hell and runs no intercooler. Just has a one gallon meth tank in the back that injects on boost that lasts about for 1 tank of gasoline and he is a leadfoot. People cant figure out how he is going so fast because they all think he is injecting meth after the compressor when he is actually injecting it pre-compressor. His "leet-sauce" setup that people dont know about. I found it odd but it is been working awesome for a while now. 12" of piping from the turbo to throttle body is nice and neat. I was under the inpression that if you injected fuel into the compressor that the fuel would go out of mixture due to the compression of it in this case 26lbs worth and more to come in the future. Is this common in other applications or do the crazy unstable nature of meth(flash point,boiling point,evap,etc.) keep it from wadding up from compression. Meth is being injected into the system at 150psi. At 3 bucks a gallon for meth it seems like a good alternative to buying and fabbing up all the intercooler piping and cores. If you work the numbers out a typical intercooled setup will cost about 1500 when it is all said and done. 1500/3buck per gallon= 500 one gallon tanks of meth. Like I said before he is using about one gallon for ever full tank of gas he uses. Assuming he is getting 300 mile per tank which is about right for a leadfoot then that equals 150,000 miles of driving with meth injection instead of an intercooler setup. Seems worth it to me to not have the extra weight, losses and packaging to squirt to flesh melter into the car. Turbo guys?

03-21-2007, 07:47 AM
My buddy owns a tuning shop and has a sneaky fast legacy that he just put a big turbo on and the thing is fast as hell and runs no intercooler. Just has a one gallon meth tank in the back that injects on boost that lasts about for 1 tank of gasoline and he is a leadfoot. People cant figure out how he is going so fast because they all think he is injecting meth after the compressor when he is actually injecting it pre-compressor. His "leet-sauce" setup that people dont know about. I found it odd but it is been working awesome for a while now. 12" of piping from the turbo to throttle body is nice and neat. I was under the inpression that if you injected fuel into the compressor that the fuel would go out of mixture due to the compression of it in this case 26lbs worth and more to come in the future. Is this common in other applications or do the crazy unstable nature of meth(flash point,boiling point,evap,etc.) keep it from wadding up from compression. Meth is being injected into the system at 150psi. At 3 bucks a gallon for meth it seems like a good alternative to buying and fabbing up all the intercooler piping and cores. If you work the numbers out a typical intercooled setup will cost about 1500 when it is all said and done. 1500/3buck per gallon= 500 one gallon tanks of meth. Like I said before he is using about one gallon for ever full tank of gas he uses. Assuming he is getting 300 mile per tank which is about right for a leadfoot then that equals 150,000 miles of driving with meth injection instead of an intercooler setup. Seems worth it to me to not have the extra weight, losses and packaging to squirt to flesh melter into the car. Turbo guys?

Homemade WRX
03-21-2007, 09:26 AM
well, working at a dyno shop I've had my fair share of fun with meth and various injection setups. The meth through the compressor is fairly common but not for the street. Works like a draw through carb set up. My SMC kit and my friends Steve's (Evo SMC) kits are both injected just prior to the throttlebody...he and I are both intercooled as to allow us to run even higher boost pressures on pump...his car runs 32 psi on 93 pump...mine sits very safe at 25 while my I still piece together my new long block and turbo setup.
Tell him to get one of the old school legacy water to air setups or rig up a wrx tmic ($100 and easy to do) for some added security and safety as his Legacy SS (you said no IC right).
Also nice not being 100% alky dependant incase he has a nozzle clog, pump fail or various other problems that can occur in such a system.

03-21-2007, 09:43 AM
He was saying that it is pretty much running straight meth at big boost so I dont think that gasoline even comes into the equation as far as safety with gasoline. I thought most draw through setups were phased out in exchange for blow through. Thought draw through had a bunch of problems associated with it. Might be mistaken though. Its really clean. Just a 120 degree elbow at the throttle body and two silicon hoses to the turbo. It was the stock turbo then he switched to a fp green and now it it is a gt35 on the stock ej22 closed deck turbo block with stock guts. Rewired with an autronic now. Just to note I have been asking him to get a Subaru L and swap everything to get the weight down to 655.25554633 lbs total car weight(joke). That would be really intersting.

Homemade WRX
03-21-2007, 01:24 PM
yeah, my awd 4 door L was 2585 bone stock. Lets just say it STARTED as the second USDM wrx swap in the US http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

my reason for mentioning the mixture with gas would be the fact that if the meth set up has a failure...this is large concern for many who run a meth setup. Hence, why meth kits have so many sensors and safety bits for pump, nozzle and line failures/clogs...when a failure happens you are left with only the gas you are running.
when this happens motors tend not to be happy http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

03-21-2007, 07:18 PM
That's why you convert your windscreen washer bottle to the holding tank for the water/meth injection! Its already got a sensor, wiring, and light in the dash to let you know when it is low!

03-21-2007, 09:13 PM
You a good guy Micha. Youre now on the list for a free tee shirt. I have a really funny story about how I almost died when I was a passenger in a Brat trying to clean a gap. Ill tell you at comp over beers. It requires gestures to get the full effect. Lets just say the roof and goofy roll bar dont help to much. That should be your next project. Get a brat and just do a 2wd mid-engine Brat. Or better yet use the front diff to drive a second set of rear wheels. A 6x4 rally spec Brat.

03-21-2007, 09:22 PM
I couldnt help myself. I love the ugly little shits.





03-21-2007, 09:37 PM
you call that a jump.....


03-22-2007, 09:18 PM
If he's running straight off of the methanol, sounds like an interesting setup.

As far as methanol injection goes though, typically it's just there to augment the gasoline's anti-knock rating, just like water injection. The circles outside of this one I hang out in are mostly straight (Drag racers.) As a matter of fact, many people actually use windshield washer fluid for that very purpose - it's a methanol/water blend that is pretty good at preventing detonation. Just don't get the kind with the rainX additive unless you want shiny pistons!

When you put it though the turbo, not only do you atomize it, but the sudden increase in temperature vaporizes it, taking a lot of the heat that would normally go into heating the air. The amount of energy necessary for that phase change is a lot bigger than the amount required to heat the air up. So even without an intercooler he sees a much lower IAT. I'd actually be curious to see temps on either side of the turbo with methanol vs. without.

Thats my conjecture and I'm sticking to it.

Homemade WRX
03-23-2007, 06:53 AM
beers and dumb cars stories are a must for competition...

meth/water (50/50 is best bang for the buck) acts as a chemical "intercooler", increases octane rating (raises det level) and it helps reduce lag/spooltime for a turbo. So it is quite beneficial and probably a good part of the reason we can't run it at competition.
But 5th injector ehtanol is about as close as we can get to it

I wish I had an easy/affordable way to test temps before and after turbo with and without meth...