View Full Version : Tire Modeling - TTC FSAE Members - PAC2002 ADAMS/Tire Files

M Stackpole
06-19-2008, 12:07 PM
To All TTC FSAE Members,

Stackpole Engineering Services (SES Inc.) has initiated a complete re-fitting of the TTC Formula SAE Round 1, 2 and 3 raw Calspan tire data using the latest 2002 Pacejka (PAC2002) tire equations. In order to assist teams that wish to utilize the ADAMS/Car or ADAMS/Chassis software, the newest tire model fits are being created using the 2002 Pacejka tire equations as summarized in the ADAMS 2005r2 Tire documentation, utilizing a coordinate system that is directly compatible with the ADAMS/Tire module (ISO Metric). Our engineers will be creating full ADAMS/Tire datasets for each of the specific tires tested under the TTC program. It is our expectation that the tire datasets will be available for distribution to TTC members no later than 07/01/2008.

Copies of the ADAMS/Tire datasets will be sent directly to TTC members using the current registered email addresses. Please make sure that you notify the consortium if your team contact information has changed. We want to make sure that every member has access to the data.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time.

Michael Stackpole, President
Stackpole Engineering Services, Inc.

J. Vinella
06-19-2008, 12:12 PM
WOW! That is awesome.

Michael, thank you for your continuing support of this project. I know we, as engineering students, have learned so much.

Mike Macie
06-19-2008, 12:22 PM
This is going to be a great addition to our model.

Thank You