View Full Version : Another roll center movement question

Dave K
09-03-2008, 05:44 AM
Not sure if anyone has asked this yet...

Does it matter during roll what direction your KRC moves horizontally from the centerline of the chassis? Basically if i have one configuration that has the KRC moving to the left, and another that moves to the right, will they create drastically different characteristics?

Dave K
09-03-2008, 05:44 AM
Not sure if anyone has asked this yet...

Does it matter during roll what direction your KRC moves horizontally from the centerline of the chassis? Basically if i have one configuration that has the KRC moving to the left, and another that moves to the right, will they create drastically different characteristics?

09-03-2008, 07:09 AM
it will be different, but you need to define drastic. read ortiz.

and here's a question for you: why do want it moving laterally?

and another: what does lateral movement of a kinematic roll center actually mean?

09-03-2008, 09:31 AM
Bah. More I think about it...

Does the driver feel an imaginary point moving around in space?

See what it does to the tire loads. Maybe you want the RC to stay still. Maybe you want it to fly to the outside. Maybe to the inside. Maybe this changes depending on what tires you run.

If we can't show what exactly it does to the car handling.. then what's the point.

09-03-2008, 01:03 PM
This has been discussed many times before. Keep searching for a few different combinations of 'roll centre' / center, 'migration', etc. and the other threads will turn up eventually.

Please post any new insights to one of those.

Regards, Ian