View Full Version : CBRf3 Engine

12-17-2010, 08:55 AM

We are currently running a 1997 CBRf3 600cc engine and wish to convert it from carburation to fuel injection via a standalone ECU. Does anybody know if the F4i's throttlebodies will bolt straight up to the f3's head via the f3 or f4i's black inlets?

I have done some searching on the forum and couldn't find what i'm looking for. Sorry if this question has been asked before.

12-17-2010, 08:55 AM

We are currently running a 1997 CBRf3 600cc engine and wish to convert it from carburation to fuel injection via a standalone ECU. Does anybody know if the F4i's throttlebodies will bolt straight up to the f3's head via the f3 or f4i's black inlets?

I have done some searching on the forum and couldn't find what i'm looking for. Sorry if this question has been asked before.

02-05-2011, 10:02 AM
yes they'll fit only thing u have to do is on the intake boots there's a locating tab that needs to b cut off so u can rotate the boots cause there not straight they have alittle offset to them n the f4i n f3 have differnt port spacing so u just turn the boots alittle to make up for it