View Full Version : Ricardo question

10-18-2005, 05:24 AM

I am just starting to use ricardo wave and had some trouble modeling our engine.

I am trying to model our manifolds, is it easier/Better to use normal duct's and orifices to model it like in the tutorials or use wavemesh tool and import cad model of the manifolds and try and do it that way.

10-18-2005, 09:36 AM
I was wondering that too. I think it'll be easy enough to try it both ways, and see what ends up working well. Evaluating CAD models is part of the reason we have Wave... I also wonder if we can use the wavemesh tool, then run experiments to optimize the imported manifold? Hopefully someone will offer their experiences here.

Mike Claffey
10-18-2005, 10:07 AM
Don't bother coupling to 3d untill you can get good results out of your 1d. Like the tutes show, use complex y junctions for volumes (such as plenum barrel) and connect them with zero length ducts. Any time I go 1d-3d computational time goes through the roof.

Just my opinion, probably not gospel.



Ben Inkster
10-18-2005, 11:22 PM
I have only used Wave 7 a little bit but my understanding of Wavemesh is that it is useful for difficult arrangments like discontinuous mufflers. I would use complex Y junctions, ducts and orifices for your intake, but make sure you do some validation.

I am fairly sure Wavemesh still uses 1D CFD code to process but it breaks down complex 3D geometries into a configuration of 1D elements (correct me if wrong).

But theres still nothing wrong with 1D-3D coupling if you've got the time.

Marc Jaxa-Rozen
10-19-2005, 12:19 AM
We use WaveMesher for the intake, and like Ben says it's a 1D tool that takes an .stl and chops it down to conventional elements, so it just makes converting CAD data easier.

Marc Jaxa-Rozen
École Polytechnique de Montréal

10-19-2005, 06:06 AM
Thanks for the advice, I might use both the complex Y junctions and the wave mesh and compare the results.

Will post up how I go.

Ben Inkster
10-20-2005, 08:42 PM
I might use both the complex Y junctions and the wave mesh and compare the results.

Good Idea! I would love to hear the results

10-20-2005, 08:55 PM
I started with WAVE 3.0 and so there was no such thing as WAVEmesh. It is very time consuming to calculate all the areas and surface geometries by hand, and it makes it easy to make mistakes. I had to continually recheck and fix my mistakes at first.

The WAVEmesh is great, of course you can still screw that up if you don't know what you are doing. The manual calcs drive the values into your head and you really understand them, while the mesh might just be plug n chug.

After we got 5.0 I replaced a lot of our complex stuff with WAVEmesh versions. There was no difference, the values were changed only slightly.

They are two ways to the same end; if you are going to try multiple configs use the WAVEmesh, for simpler stuff it's probably faster to do it manually. Remember it's still a 1D program.

I would recommend doing both methods first and comparing them to ensure you are competent with the program.