D. Knight
07-19-2004, 06:17 AM
Good day all,
During this past weekend the second annual running of the Caliguiri Cup happened at the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix. This is the only free road race that takes place on public roads in this country, and there's only one other race like it in the world... so I'm told.
Just like last year there were 3 schools involved, Carnegie Mellon University, Penn State, and U of Pittsburgh. We are hoping to get a lot more schools involved for future races. It's a great event, a lot more relaxing than the big FSAE competition, and CMU does a great job of hosting visiting schools.
I just wanted to get a word out about this so teams can start thinking about attending next year's event. I'm sure if enough schools show interest we can change location to Beaverun, and put on quite a show. Here's a link to an article about the weekend's race.
There are a few more articles on the web, just do a search for "Caliguiri Cup".
I'm interested to know what your thoughts are on this event.
~ D. Knight
During this past weekend the second annual running of the Caliguiri Cup happened at the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix. This is the only free road race that takes place on public roads in this country, and there's only one other race like it in the world... so I'm told.
Just like last year there were 3 schools involved, Carnegie Mellon University, Penn State, and U of Pittsburgh. We are hoping to get a lot more schools involved for future races. It's a great event, a lot more relaxing than the big FSAE competition, and CMU does a great job of hosting visiting schools.
I just wanted to get a word out about this so teams can start thinking about attending next year's event. I'm sure if enough schools show interest we can change location to Beaverun, and put on quite a show. Here's a link to an article about the weekend's race.
There are a few more articles on the web, just do a search for "Caliguiri Cup".
I'm interested to know what your thoughts are on this event.
~ D. Knight