View Full Version : The Quick and the Dead aka:One By One, 1974

12-10-2005, 07:32 PM
Anybody here know of this movie? I saw it a while back and have been trying to get my hands on a copy for some time.

Timeless documentary of F1 in the early 70's. I've only been able to find it on japanese and south american websites (http://www.interney.net/shopping/itens/d/dvd_the_quick_and_the_dead_acidentes_f1_frete_grat is__31841875_venda.php) . Know where I can get a copy?


Will Chan
Waterloo FSAE Team Cap 05'

12-10-2005, 07:32 PM
Anybody here know of this movie? I saw it a while back and have been trying to get my hands on a copy for some time.

Timeless documentary of F1 in the early 70's. I've only been able to find it on japanese and south american websites (http://www.interney.net/shopping/itens/d/dvd_the_quick_and_the_dead_acidentes_f1_frete_grat is__31841875_venda.php) . Know where I can get a copy?


Will Chan
Waterloo FSAE Team Cap 05'

fsae racer
12-19-2005, 01:02 PM
Great movie, saw it on Speed here in the states the first time about a year and a half ago. Managed to catch the title the 2nd time I saw it, about 6 months after that, but I havent seen or heard I too searched around, think I even posted here, but I havent been able to find anything either. If you find anything or get more specific info like director/producer w.e, post back here and let me know.