View Full Version : I love racecars.

04-11-2007, 09:51 PM
You know how you have those days that you leave the shop and think to your self "I really hate racecars" and then you have those days that you can't help but say "I LOVE Racecars!!". Today was a love racecar day. we are sitting around tring to figure out what to work on, (all of our critical parts are out being worked on, ie engine rebuild, suspension heat treat ect.) and one of our members says, lets go tune up the old car. its 8pm already, and our test lot is surrounded by residential areas, so i say "lets go". We get out there and the thing is running shitty, we are bearly pulling 65hp (DL1 data). after tweaking around with it a little we get the thing up to 87hp. its rippin. the thing is crazy. its not long before the cops show up. some how we talk them into clocking our max speed we can pull in this little tiny lot. you know its a weird feeling to be doing 75mph in a parking lot, headed strait for a cop. it just seams to go against normal thought process, but it is awesome. anyway, i just wanted to share my "love racecar" night with ya'll.

Mike D

04-11-2007, 09:51 PM
You know how you have those days that you leave the shop and think to your self "I really hate racecars" and then you have those days that you can't help but say "I LOVE Racecars!!". Today was a love racecar day. we are sitting around tring to figure out what to work on, (all of our critical parts are out being worked on, ie engine rebuild, suspension heat treat ect.) and one of our members says, lets go tune up the old car. its 8pm already, and our test lot is surrounded by residential areas, so i say "lets go". We get out there and the thing is running shitty, we are bearly pulling 65hp (DL1 data). after tweaking around with it a little we get the thing up to 87hp. its rippin. the thing is crazy. its not long before the cops show up. some how we talk them into clocking our max speed we can pull in this little tiny lot. you know its a weird feeling to be doing 75mph in a parking lot, headed strait for a cop. it just seams to go against normal thought process, but it is awesome. anyway, i just wanted to share my "love racecar" night with ya'll.

Mike D

Korey Morris
04-12-2007, 05:33 AM
I know that feeling. We had a similar experiance last spring. Nothing to do... lets go "test" a little. Cops showed up like usual, saw the blue and whit and school logo on the car and where cool (as usual). Talked the chick cop into clocking us.

I'm still pretty proud of my 99 in this lot (taking the path of the arrow, i'd put it at about 125yds, use the stadium for scale):http://www.engr.uky.edu/~kamorr0/lot.jpg

Locked up all four to get it stopped. Slid out into Commonwealth Drive. Decided to make a loop through the apartments back there to turn around and high centered the car on a speed bump... lol, good times!

04-13-2007, 12:14 PM
i know the feeling. theres nothing better than taking a racecar that wont run worth a crap and tuning on it until it becomes "scary fast"

John Valerio
04-15-2007, 11:22 AM
racecars are sweet. it pretty much kept me sane during my job last summer being able to drive back to school on weekends to retune our turbo car to run NA. factory work is definately not ideal if you're always thinking...about anything really...how the regulars spend years putting 4 screws in a running board for 10 hrs a day is way beyond me.