View Full Version : Steering Wheel

Erick Scarpone
09-08-2005, 07:15 AM
Hi were designing the quick release as we think its worth building it, it looks relative simple and all.
So basically two questions
Has anybody have measure the force you need to steer the steering wheel mostly with no speed that's the more force that should be applied to the steering wheel and to the quick release.
We were looking at this year quick release and it seems that is made out of aluminium covered with some kind of plastic or something we figures is because the contact between aluminium and the metal bracket of the steering tube, so that the aluminium doesn't wear off (I don't know how to translate the exact word, metal harder than aluminium it tears it apart in the contact) does anyone now what this coating is?
Has anyone done their quick release and made pure contact aluminium with metal how long do they last? At least for the competition?

Erick Scarpone
09-08-2005, 07:15 AM
Hi were designing the quick release as we think its worth building it, it looks relative simple and all.
So basically two questions
Has anybody have measure the force you need to steer the steering wheel mostly with no speed that's the more force that should be applied to the steering wheel and to the quick release.
We were looking at this year quick release and it seems that is made out of aluminium covered with some kind of plastic or something we figures is because the contact between aluminium and the metal bracket of the steering tube, so that the aluminium doesn't wear off (I don't know how to translate the exact word, metal harder than aluminium it tears it apart in the contact) does anyone now what this coating is?
Has anyone done their quick release and made pure contact aluminium with metal how long do they last? At least for the competition?

Erich Ohlde
09-08-2005, 07:23 AM
I haven't measured the force on the wheel. But the coating you are talking about is aluminum anodizing.

09-08-2005, 10:10 AM
we have steering quick releases that were made in the shop that are 10 years old, aluminum on aluminum and work fine. the problem with making your own though (at least for us), is they tend to get sloppy. if you just make something similair to what is out there, it will be strong enough, dont worry about the forces.