View Full Version : Know your blood type!

Drew Price
04-04-2009, 08:52 AM
Who on your team doesn't know their blood type?

Most of our team-members do not know their blood type - all your drivers should know their blood types before testing, before leaning over the running dyno, and definitely before comp and the driving events.

I am going to write mine on my arm so the nurses can't get it confused.

I'm also bringing a freshman with my blood type along, just in case I need to top up.


Drew Price
04-04-2009, 08:52 AM
Who on your team doesn't know their blood type?

Most of our team-members do not know their blood type - all your drivers should know their blood types before testing, before leaning over the running dyno, and definitely before comp and the driving events.

I am going to write mine on my arm so the nurses can't get it confused.

I'm also bringing a freshman with my blood type along, just in case I need to top up.


04-28-2009, 07:40 PM
Ummmm , leaning over a running dyno?

I sincerely hope you are joking.

That said the advice about blood type and known allergies is a good point.

Have it written somewhere on YOU (not on your overalls / drive suit / helmet since you may not have them on when the medics arrive) where it can be accessed immediately and won't be rubbed , smeared lost etc.
Also expect you may not be awake to tell the medics what they need to know so have this info recorded by someone on your team.

An identity disc or similar with this on it is a great investment.

Cheers , Pete.