View Full Version : University Funding
Our team is in the process of negotiating with our university for cash funding, but we'd like to get an idea of what other teams get from their uni's, so we can use that as ammumition.
If anyone is willing, would they be able to reply back with the amount that the uni provides in cash, and in materials. If you don't want it being public knowledge, a private message would be appreciated. Australian teams would be extra helpful.
Daniel Blake
Marketing Manager
Adelaide University Formula SAE
Our team is in the process of negotiating with our university for cash funding, but we'd like to get an idea of what other teams get from their uni's, so we can use that as ammumition.
If anyone is willing, would they be able to reply back with the amount that the uni provides in cash, and in materials. If you don't want it being public knowledge, a private message would be appreciated. Australian teams would be extra helpful.
Daniel Blake
Marketing Manager
Adelaide University Formula SAE
06-10-2004, 04:29 AM
We got $1000 in October when they saw we were doing something, and we got a second $1000 in April when they saw we had something.
I don't think that was the kind of ammunition you were looking for.
A. Gorilla
06-10-2004, 11:10 AM
One thing to keep in mind is that there are many sources in the university that you can go after simultaneously. Specific to Formula SAE, the following probably have some kind of budget to contribute to your team (even if you only get a couple hundred out of each one, it's a start, these are listed roughly in increasing order of likelyhood to give large sums of money):
- Materials/Metalurgical Eng Dept. (if you have one)
- Manufacturing Eng. Dept. (if you have one)
- Undergraduate student society
- Engineering student society
- Mechanical Eng. Dept.
- VP/Dean of graduate studies (they might pitch in a bit)
- VP/Dean of Undergraduate Studies (whoever happens to be the head honcho of undergrad at your university)
- Dean of engineering/faculty of engineering
- alumni association
06-10-2004, 11:24 AM
We get a very good amount from the university. Check your PM.
On average, we get 10-15K from the school per year. We got lucky last year with close to 35K, and we are crossing our fingers to see if we can something similar. As for funding, go out and find some yourself from outside sponsors and ask your school to back dollar for dollar of what you bring in.. This is how we got about half the money out of our school's administration last year.
Lastly, having a working car that is able to be displayed is the biggest thing you can use to sell your car to sponsors. Use this wisely and if you have a couple of smart dedicated kids (even one will do) you can seriously rake in some money. Also see if its feasible to hit up some of your old alumni, the might have a softspot for a new car if you promise to make it faster then theres...
Sam Zimmerman
06-10-2004, 06:24 PM
Last year we got $3,500 from the ME department, $10,000 from the college of engineering, $1,000 from the associated students.
This year we have gotten $6,000 from the college of engineering and are lobbying the other groups for more, including a department that deals specifically with transportation/clean burning vehicles.
Look everywhere, you would be suprised where you can find money if you are creative in how you justify it.
Big Bird
06-10-2004, 06:38 PM
Don't just walk up to the big people in the uni and say "We want money, Blahblah Uni gets $50,000 and we only get $3.50". It is a surefire way to keep getting $3.50. Make the uni see that you are actively promoting yourselves and taking your car to events (race meets, trade shows, careers expos etc.) The uni does FSAE for promotion and to drag in new students, as much as for academic benefit. If you are taking initiative to promote then they will be a lot more accomodating. Same for outside sponsors.
Sam Zimmerman
06-10-2004, 08:23 PM
To follow up on what Geoff said, we've taken our cars to a nearby junior college, a science center, engineering week activities, local autocrosses, and are driving in a local parade on Saturday. This, along with the fact that one of the Associate Deans likes to bring potential students by the car on every tour he gives, allows us to use the public relations/recruiting angle when asking for more money.
Deans and department heads will give you more money if there is something in it for them. They will then give even more money if you get them excited about what you are doing.
Lastly, if you get a few faculty members to be champions for you they can take care of the politics involved in making sure you are well supported.
I will also agree with the last two points. We recently took our finished car out to a publicity day at our school with some local news coverage to boot. He was really impressed and promised all the help we would need for the following year. One note to be said is that once you have a smoking car (which is a hard thing to do in itself) you can use that to your advantage to market your group both in the university and to outside companies. Also going to local races (autocross only, no drag racing..)you can really get the name of the school out to the racing public and thats a big thing you can use to drum up sponsorship from racing companies.
Good luck with your hunting.
J. Schmidt
06-21-2004, 10:01 AM
I've found that we need to appeal to our university (U of wisconsin platteville) much like any other sponsor we go after. UWP's tuition includes various "segregated fees" which goes to the Segregated University Fees Alocation Commitee, SUFAC, to help fund any campus organization that can fill out a request. Every fall we need to get an application for funds and put together a budget analysis form and present that to SUFAC along with why we should get the money we requested.
We typically request around $40,000 funding (for the 4 SAE projests we do here at Platteville) and get just over $11,00 (again, for all 4 projects). Do some math and you'll find that the Formula SAE gets in the ballpark of $2,500. This is for supplies and services AND travel expences. Needless to say we are very nice to our corporate sponsors. Now, FSAE has only been at UWP for 3 years. Once we establish a record the university should be more willing to fund our project. Good luck to you.
06-21-2004, 10:22 AM
The admissions department gave us about $800 for each event we showed our car at (to get new students to come to our university). Also, our "student senate," kind of related to the student government, donated about $1000. Finally, we received $5000 by selling our 2002 car to the university. Overall, that's about $7600. We have to do some work for the money (or sacrifice some things), and I think it's better that way.
Chris Davin
06-22-2004, 11:38 PM
:: picks jaw up off the floor ::
Wow! I had no idea other teams were getting that much money from their universities! What Cornell gives us, plus about $5.00, would just about buy you lunch at McDonalds.
All kidding aside, we do not get any money from the university. All the money in our budget comes from sponsors and alumni of the team. Frankly, I think we should be getting some money, considering how much publicity we bring the school, but they disagree. They do provide us with space, however.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chris Davin:
All the money in our budget comes from sponsors and alumni of the team. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
am i misreading this? or are you implying that past members of your team give you cash out of their own pockets?
Brent Howard
06-23-2004, 07:15 AM
That happens here too Gug, I think last year Alumni and team members gave about $5000 to our team. We used this money as kind of a slush fund for when we wanted to buy things, but not go through the University (takes too long). Then members would get a tax recipt by submitting the recipt as their donation. I think I put in about $500 - 600 CDN last year.
Dr Claw
06-23-2004, 07:43 AM
we only get 2000 or so from the alumni association, but other than that we dont get anything from out school. actually, all we get is grief from our school...i dont even think they like us unless we are parading our car arround somewhere.
my school is entirely difficult when it comes to making things easier for our formula team, and its sorta depressing.
Chris Davin
06-23-2004, 09:28 PM
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gug:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chris Davin:
All the money in our budget comes from sponsors and alumni of the team. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
am i misreading this? or are you implying that past members of your team give you cash out of their own pockets? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
You read that correctly. Our primary three sponsors (General Motors, Hunter Industries, and Heller Industries) are corporations, however we do recieve donations (cash, services, and sometimes food) from our generous alumni, at least one of which is a member of these forums.
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