View Full Version : Collegiate Roadshow at IMIS

Michael Royce
11-03-2011, 08:36 AM
The SAE’s Motorsports Engineering Committee and the Indiana Section of SAE-I will be hosting a Collegiate Roadshow in conjunction with the International Motorsports Industry Show (IMIS) on Saturday, December 10th in the Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis.

It is targeted at Formula SAE teams and competitors, but will also be of interest to competitors in other SAE Collegiate Design Competitions especially Formula Hybrid and Baja SAE.

It will be a full day workshop comprising of 6 presentations each approximately 1 hour long. It will start at 9.00 am and run to approximately 5.00 pm.

The topics are those that are timely for the teams as they complete the construction of their 2012 cars and move into the testing and development phases of their programmes.

The workshop topics are:
• Engine Calibration 101 - Kim Lyon, FEV, FSAE Design Judge.
• Data Acquisition – Frank Whiton, GM Corp., Lead Engineer, Koni Challenge Cobalt SS.
• Suspension Development – Steve Lyman, All American Dynamics LLC, FSAE Design Judge
• Getting through Tech Inspection – Michael Royce, Albion Associates LLC, Chairman FSAE Rules Committee 2000-9
• Safety – Michael Royce,
• ECU’s and Engine Calibration 201 - Jeff Krummen, Performance Electronics Ltd.

There will be a registration fee of $25 for those registering on-line by Saturday, December 3rd, or $30 at the door. The registration will include entry to the IMIS show.

Registration will be through the IMIS Show web site at www.imis-indy.com (http://www.imis-indy.com) Click on the “Conferences” tab.

Michael Royce
11-03-2011, 08:36 AM
The SAE’s Motorsports Engineering Committee and the Indiana Section of SAE-I will be hosting a Collegiate Roadshow in conjunction with the International Motorsports Industry Show (IMIS) on Saturday, December 10th in the Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis.

It is targeted at Formula SAE teams and competitors, but will also be of interest to competitors in other SAE Collegiate Design Competitions especially Formula Hybrid and Baja SAE.

It will be a full day workshop comprising of 6 presentations each approximately 1 hour long. It will start at 9.00 am and run to approximately 5.00 pm.

The topics are those that are timely for the teams as they complete the construction of their 2012 cars and move into the testing and development phases of their programmes.

The workshop topics are:
• Engine Calibration 101 - Kim Lyon, FEV, FSAE Design Judge.
• Data Acquisition – Frank Whiton, GM Corp., Lead Engineer, Koni Challenge Cobalt SS.
• Suspension Development – Steve Lyman, All American Dynamics LLC, FSAE Design Judge
• Getting through Tech Inspection – Michael Royce, Albion Associates LLC, Chairman FSAE Rules Committee 2000-9
• Safety – Michael Royce,
• ECU’s and Engine Calibration 201 - Jeff Krummen, Performance Electronics Ltd.

There will be a registration fee of $25 for those registering on-line by Saturday, December 3rd, or $30 at the door. The registration will include entry to the IMIS show.

Registration will be through the IMIS Show web site at www.imis-indy.com (http://www.imis-indy.com) Click on the “Conferences” tab.

Michael Royce
11-03-2011, 08:53 AM
On Wednesday December 7th and Thursday December 8th, the SAE's Motorsports Engineering Activity is holding its third Safety & Technical Conference in conjunction with the International Motorsports Industry Show (IMIS) at the Indiana Convention Center. There is a significant fee, so although students are more than welcome, it is likely a little expensive for them.

However, on the Thursday night, December 8th, along with the SAE Indiana Section, we are having Gordon Kirby talk about his upcoming book on Newman-Haas Racing, and Pete Hylton of IUPUI talk about his book, Ghost Tracks. This evening session is at no charge. Members of the SAE Indiana Section will be present and will welcome receiving resumes. Many companies in the area, including Cummins Engine Co., are looking to hire engineering graduates.

You can also bring resumes to the Collegiate Roadshow on Saturday, December 10th. And we will make sure they get passed along.

Michael Royce
11-28-2011, 09:08 AM
A reminder, the Collegiate Roadshow at the IMIS is only 12 days away, and to date, only two students have signed up! The schedule, etc is on the SAE web site at:

http: / / w w w .sae.org/servlets/pressRoom?OBJECT_TYPE=PressReleases&PAGE=showRelease&RELEASE_ID=1647

The Workshop Presenters are:
Kim Lyon - Senior Engineer, FEV, Inc., Formula SAE Design Judge
Mr. Lyon works at the General Motors Milford Proving Ground, the 4,000 acre headquarters for GM’s vehicle durability and test operations. Prior to that, he was a Senior Technical Specialist at Chrysler LLC. During his 24 years at Chrysler, Kim focused on the development of new technologies for passenger cars and special project vehicles. As a Senior Technical Specialist, he worked in Advanced Powertrain Systems and on special projects including F1, FIA, and NHRA racing. Kim has expertise in several engine systems such as turbochargers and VVT and has completed all training for Black Belt certification in DFSS.

Frank Whiton - Senior Project Engineer, General Motors Corp.
Mr. Whiton has a passion for motorsports, as evidenced by his career path and involvement with GM Racing. He has been at General Motors for 14 years, including 4 years in the GM Performance Division Cobalt SS racing program where he was the Lead Engineer. He was the Executive Engineer at FTE automotive GmbH as well as a Senior Development Engineer at Clark Equipment. In 2009, Frank was the Crew Chief for the Grand-Am KONI Sports Car Challenge effort.

Steve Lyman, President, All American Dynamics LLC, FSAE Design Judge
Mr. Lyman is an automotive engineering leader, change agent and champion for excellence in product development, testing, and integration with worldwide experience. Steve is the Founder and President of All American Dynamics since January 2008. He consults with electric vehicle, military vehicle, and OEM manufacturers, tire companies, suspension damper companies and professional road racing and open wheel, open cockpit oval track teams. Previously, Mr. Lyman was an Executive Consultant, Core Vehicle Dynamics at Chrysler Group, a Senior Specialist- SRT Chassis/ Vehicle Dynamics at DaimlerChrysler, and has 34 years of experience at GM, Ford, AMC, Michelin and Chrysler.

Michael Royce, Albion Associates LLC, Chairman FSAE Rules Committee 2000-9
Mr. Royce is a consultant with Albion Associates LLC. He retired from the DaimlerChrysler Corporation in June 2004 after almost 41 years within the Chrysler family. During his time with Chrysler, Mr. Royce held management positions including assignments in Truck Engineering, Product Planning, Engine Development and Powertrain Program Management. Between 1992 and 1994 he was the Technical Director at Lamborghini Engineering in Italy, managing the Chrysler Lamborghini Formula 1 engine program. His last assignment was that of Senior Manager of Advanced Engine Technologies. In 1999 Mr. Royce became a founding member of the DaimlerChrysler Automotive Engineers Program and was on its organizing committee until his retirement. He has been a licensed SCCA scrutineer for many years working everything from local autocrosses to Formula 1.

Jeff Krummen, Owner, Performance Electronics Ltd.
Mr. Krummen founded Performance Electronics in 1999 after graduating from the University of Cincinnati with a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. The company specializes in the design and manufacture of complete engine control systems for virtually any spark-ignition, internal combustion engine. They offer a complete line of fully configurable, stand-alone ECUs and accessories for everyone from OEM manufacturers to weekend racers. Check them out on Facebook.

I know many of you have finals around this time, but those that can make it will benefit greatly. So get on line and register at:
https : / / w w w.signup4.net/public/ap.aspx?EID=20114003E&TID=I6By4d8XCU2B%2f7QsVA2KOQ%3d%3d

11-29-2011, 12:10 PM
Is it going to be possible to tune into this online or is it at show only?

Michael Royce
11-29-2011, 07:22 PM
Sorry everybody, we will not be having this on-line. It has been hard enough to get this up and running along with helping organize the Safety and Technical Conference on Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th.

If we have enough participation this year, we will consider doing it again in 2012. At that point we would think again about covering it on-line too.

11-29-2011, 10:58 PM
Haven't signed up yet, but myself and a bunch of my team members will be attending, looking forward to it.
I think some of our Baja guys are going to come as well.

Afterwards, we are going to go karting at Fast Times. I encourage other teams to join us. So that we can beat you. Because we will be faster than you.

Michael Royce
11-30-2011, 06:55 PM
Glad to hear it. Baja guys too. The more the merrier.

Michael Royce
12-09-2011, 06:03 AM
A note to all those that are coming to the Roadshow tomorrow, Saturday.

We will be in Room 236. Look for the IMIS signs and the Hoosier Corridor, and take the escalator from near the IMIS Registration booth up to the second floor. Do NOT stop off at the IMIS Registration desk, as we will be doing our registration and checks outside Room 236.

If you have not already signed up but would like to come, we can accommodate you. It will juts cost you $5 more.

Michael Royce
02-06-2012, 09:51 AM
We have finally got all the Collegiate Roadshow presentations from IMIS in December up onto the SAE’s Collegiate Design Series web site at:
h t t p://students.sae.org/competitions/formulaseries/roadshow.htm

The six from December are:
• “Getting through Tech Inspection”
• “Data Acquisition” by Frank Whiton
• “Suspension Tuning and Development” by Steve Lyman
• “Safety”
• “Engine Calibration 101” by Kim Lyon, and
• “ECU’s and Engine Calibration 201” by Jeff Krummen.

Where the subject matter was a repeat of topics covered in the 2006 Roadshows, the older ones have been replaced. Butt we Kaley has left others from 2006 on the web site.

B Lewis @ PE Engine Management
02-06-2012, 01:59 PM
Hi Michael,

Thanks for having us. I know that Jeff had a good time.

How about next year we bring a running engine? http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

02-06-2012, 09:11 PM
I just wanted to drop a belated note of thanks to all the presenters who came out from all of the guys from University of Cincinnati. We're hoping to bring more of the team to events like these in the future. Highly recommended to any teams who can make it to these events.

Michael Royce
02-08-2012, 01:43 PM
Before we get presenters all lined up, how much interest would there be if we organized another one in conjunction with the IMIS show? It would again be on the Saturday.

If there is interest, should we repeat some (or all) of the presentations from 2011 or should we look for mother topics? If so, what topics would teams be interested in?

02-08-2012, 06:43 PM
Michael, I would very much enjoy hearing at least a couple of the presentations from this year again, with those being Engine Calibration 101 and Suspension Tuning and Development. I think both Kim and Steve have a lot of knowledge that got skimmed over due to time constraints. Getting through Tech was a nice help, especially for someone that's never been through a tech inspection, but if the audience has been through tech, I don't see this one being as valuable to repeat. Having more time to either talk with the presenters or walk around the IMIS show would definitely be nice.

Regardless of the presenters and topics, if there is another Collegiate Roadshow, I plan on attending.
