View Full Version : FSAE-A 2012 - AutoX-Enduro Track

12-06-2012, 01:13 AM
So, European style.....

What are peoples thoughts on the current track layout proposed today?

12-06-2012, 01:18 AM
A few issues regarding run-off and potential collisions with barriers (i.e. hairpin) but over all not too bad, will be fun to drive!

Rex Chan
12-06-2012, 06:17 AM
Of course, Melbourne loves it.

But it will mean all the time we've put into setting the car up will count for slightly less.

And the gap between mid-pack teams (like us) will be reduced to the really fast guys.

I was going to say that the 2011 track favours a Monash 2011/12 style car, but Monash build a car for what they *think* the track will be like, and being being inconsistent really messes with those that have put more effort into building a car (solution) for the track (problem).